% to interpolate indices calc = valid_test(data (valid_test,:)== 0); % which values are valid? % first I make a logical array with only zeros valid = zeros(length(data),1); % make the not 0-values 1 valid(orig_valid) = 1; % everything with the number '1' is valid and...
Presuming you have x,y in order to have generated the plots (if not, simply retrieve
I have set a monotonic function as an array as the following, with x values in the first column and y in the second; CDF_array = -4.0000 0 -3.0000 0.1000 -1.0000 0.4000 1.0000 0.6000 3.0000 0.9000 4.0000 1.0000 How do I interpolate to find the x-values at y=0.05, y=0.15 and y=0....
It is often required to interpolate, i.e., estimate the value of that function for an intermediate value of the independent variable.Common Interpolation Approaches (常见的插值方法)Linear Interpolation: interp1() 函数%% interp1() 1-D interpolation X = 0:0.5:10; V = sin(X); hold on; ...
% Hints: contents = get(hObject,'String') returns interpolate_pop_menu contents as cell array % contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from interpolate_pop_menu 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ...
% Interpolate F_Veff_ne = scatteredInterpolant(P,v,'natural'); % Visualization xx = logspace(log10(5e-15),log10(20e-6),20);% This range is slimmer because values above 20e-6 are not of interest. yy = logspace(log10(210e-9),log10(100e-6),20)...
in-paints over nans in an array % usage: B=INPAINT_NANS(A) % default method % usage: B=INPAINT_NANS(A,method) % specify method used % % Solves approximation to one of several pdes to % interpolate and extrapolate holes in an array % % arguments (input): % A - nxm array with ...
square containing the (radius intrad) interpolation disk; 'off' -> Interpolate values from electrodes shown in the interpolation disk only {default: 'on'}. %在包含(半径intrad)插补盘的整个正方形内插电极处插补值;‘off’只从插补盘中显示的电极插入值{default: 'on'}。
idealfilterApplyanidealpassornotch(noncausal)filter (timeseries)toatimeseriesobject. resample(timeseries)Selectorinterpolatedatainatimeseries objectusinganewtimevector. setabstimeSetthetimevaluesinthetimevectorasdate (timeseries)strings. setinterpmethodSetinterpolationmethodforatimeseries object. synchronizeSynchron...