I have a struct (lets call it Turbine State) with both time and value data. The issue is there aren't enough data points captured with the range I want, so MATLAB intertpolates the missing data linearly between points. i.e. shortly beore 14:10 the 'state' is 12 but this should re...
Open in MATLAB Online I have various size distributions in the same format with fixed size classes and sometimes I have multiple cummulative_share value of 0. Than I can not use interp1 to interpolate the size at 50% share. How may I fix that issue? Thanks for any help...
Hi Thao, you can auto generate a script to import your data as a table and index into it using the column names. See attached for an example script. Then you can do something like the following to get only storm '1988219N27175'.
You're also expanding the interpolation formula into 22 multiplies and 8 adds. It should be possible to interpolate a 2x2x2 neighborhood in about 14 multiplies and 7 adds, by doing the interpolation in a separable manner, first along the x axis, then y, then z. ...
Open in MATLAB Online Hey Behzad, This is pretty straightforward: Just use interp2. When reading the data from the NetCDF file you might need torotate and flip the gridto get the orientation right, but then let longitude act as the x variable and let latit...
. . 3-45 Axes Interactions: Interpolate data tip location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45 Axes Interactions: Indicate azimuth and elevation angles . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45 Axes Interactions: Zoom into rectangular region of 2-D view of 3-D ...
I want to call the temperature solution at a coordinate point in matlab interface. I am struggling to find out the function to do this. Can anybody help me to find out the function that give me the time temperature history matrix?
I can't tell about the Matlab interface because I am not using it. You might consider to import the csv data directly into a 2D interpolation function in COMSOL and avoid the Matlab interfacing. This way you can call a function f(x, t) in the model. You have an ...
Re: How to make data file for matlab from CFX? #4 René Guest Posts: n/a What I do is to first "re-map" the data from CFX 5 onto a structured mesh. I use the MATLAB comands delaunay, tsearch and dsearch to interpolate the raw data onto my custom defined structured grid. ...
The vector t values are non-uniformly spaced in time. I see two options how to calculate PSD: 1) You can use the Matlab function 'interp1' to interpolate data on uniform time grid and then apply the function 'fft' or any other Matlab function ...