set(get(get(H(i),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),'IconDisplayStyle','off'); end legend('1','6','11','16','21'); 方法2:简单到郁闷 H = plot(data); legend(H([1 6 11 16 21],'1,'6','11’,'16','21'); 高级用法3:legend横排 hl = legend(H([1 6 11 16 21],'1,'...
legend('LRU','RRIP','基于RRIP自适应算法'); 这句话是要绘制3条曲线,但实际上你没有Plot的曲线数不是3.
How to set the title, legend-entries, and axis-titles in MATLAB®. Setting Title Font Size and Font Family x = randi([0 100],1,100); y = randi([0 100],1,100); fig = figure; plot(x,y,'bo'); title('Custom Title','FontSize',24,'Color','g','FontName','FixedWidth');...
[plain] view plaincopyfigure('units','normalized','position',... [ 0.4172 0.1769 0.3 0.5]); hold on; for i = 1:10 h(i) = plot(dataVect(i,:), LineSpecs{i}); end xlim([0 100]); legendflex(h,... %handle to plot lines legendMatrix,... %corresponding legend entries 'ref',...
legend({'原始信号','带噪声离散化1','带噪声离散化2'}); print(gcf,'-dpng','./stem.png'); 图2 3) 梯形图 梯形图可由stairs命令得到,它常常用于数据之间连线并无意义的情况下的绘图,在数据密集的情况下,也可以用梯形图代替柱状图。(图3) ...
%% MATLAB qqplot 命令 figure;qqplot(B);box on title({get(get(gca,'title'),'String'),'数据点越接近曲线,数据分布的正态性越好'}); set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1],'paperpositionmode','auto'); 图155) 残差分析,评估模型对数据真实分布的近似程度。(图16)...
legend([r1 g1],{'Red','Green'})% will display only 2 entries in the legend 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 추가 답변 (0개) 이 질문에 답변하려면 로그인하십시오. ...
Legend: Control the order of legend entries xscale, yscale, and zscale Functions: Quickly change between logarithmic and linear axes scales after plotting xsecondarylabel, ysecondarylabel, and zsecondarylabel Functions: Create, delete, or modify secondary axis labels Bar Charts: Specify bar labels ...
Yes, alphabetical sorting ideally, although in my actual dataset my legend entries are numeric, so I'm also looking for a workaround to get them in numerical order e.g. '200 500 1500' instead of the alphabetically ordered '1500 200 500'. Thanks Sign in to commen...
The MATLAB Online Training Suite has been updated in the areas of Deep Learning and traditional Machine Learning! These are great self-paced courses that can get you from zero to hero pretty quickly. Deep Learning Onramp(Free to everyone!)has been updated to use thedlnetwork workflow, such as...