However, it’s worth noting that thelegend()function is designed to add a single legend to a plot. Attempting to add more than one legend using this function will result in a MATLAB error. In order to overcome this limitation and add custom legends that aren’t directly related to the gr...
Ouvrir dans MATLAB Online Ran in: I just googled this question and found this topic... It has beena problem for me for a long time and now i founded a solution... ...reading the help of "legend" and assigning the output of the function to a variable you can be able ...
There is no direct function to rotate legends in graphs using MATLAB. However, as a workaround we can manually rotate the legends. Please refer to the following example: % create a sample plot h1 = plot(1:5); % add legend to the graph ...
Open in MATLAB Online Best way: see Stackoverflow question 2871747 ThemeCopy % thanks to , Luis Mendo and Lea [~, objh] = legend({'one plot', 'another plot'}, 'location', 'NorthWest', 'Fontsize', 14); %// set font size as desired % note that even if you plot(x,y,'.')...
I have a .fig file which I made by cutting plots from other .fig files. So I had basically had 5 plots on 5 different .fig files. Now I added all of these in to 1 .fig file. How can I add a legend to this? I do not have the data to plot these curves again. ...
使用MATLAB 中的 legend() 函数添加自定义图例 legend() 函数用于在 MATLAB 中将图例添加到绘图中。但是问题在于,它只能在一个图上添加一个图例。如果你尝试使用此函数添加多个图例,则 MATLAB 将给出错误。因此,要添加与图没有任何关系的自定义图例,你必须在图上添加更多具有未定义值的图,然后可以添加更多图例。你...
However, I have already made the plot and there is already a legend in the plot. I can not run the plot code again beacuse I have many plots to recreate. Is there any way that I can chang the legend within the plot itself by using propery inspector, plot browser, etc so that I ...
MATLAB Online で開く alphas = 0.1:0.1:1; foralpha = alphas plot(T,CF);%presumed depends on alpha end legendstr = cellstr( num2str( alphas(:),'alpha=%.1f') ) ); legend( legendstr ); Note: it is important for this purpose that the first parameter to num2str() be a column vector...
If this License fails to meet the government's needs or is inconsistent in any respect with federal procurement law, the government agrees to return the Program and Documentation, unused, to The MathWorks, Inc. Trademarks MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See ...
Open in MATLAB Online Adam's answer is the elegant solution, but if you're using something older than R2020b, or if you're not using tiledlayout, you can do something like this: ThemeCopy p = get(gca,'position'); % store axes geometry before creating legend legh =...