源码如下: 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <string.h> 3 #include <stdlib.h> ...
% function varargout = localMaximum(x,minDist, exculdeEqualPoints) % % This function returns the indexessubscripts of local maximum in the data x. % x can be a vector or a matrix of any dimension % % minDist is the minimum distance between two peaks (local maxima) % minDist...
lhsdesign 函数是 MATLAB 中用于生成 Latin hypercube sample 的函数,语法如下:matlab Copy code X = lhsdesign(n,p)X = lhsdesign(n,p,'smooth')X = lhsdesign(n,p,'criterion',criterion)X = lhsdesign(n,p,'iterations',iterations)X = lhsdesign(n,p,'criterion',criterion,'iterations',it...
试着拟合等距点,如果你用“ shell ”的面积除以一个“排除盘”(半径为r_sub_crit)的面积,你会得...
假设你从“ shell ”(r=25)开始,试着拟合等距点,如果你用“ shell ”的面积除以一个“排除盘”...
image registration pick of the week polygon point dis... polyline potw Acknowledgements Inspired: Minimum distance between two polylines, Distance from a point to polygon Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting!×...
% obstacle can only be detected at the end points but not along the line % between the points % for cost, Euclidean distance is considered. % output : cost, rrt, time_taken % whether goal is reached or not, depends on the minimum distance between ...
(n).points=detectSURFFeatures(grayImage);[features,points]=extractFeatures(grayImage,points);%Find correspondences betweenI(n)andI(n-1).indexPairs=matchFeatures(features,featuresPrevious,'Unique',true);matchedPoints=points(indexPairs(:,1),:);matchedPointsPrev=pointsPrevious(indexPairs(:,2),:);%...
radius=sqrt((r2-r1)^2 + (c2-c1)^2); %Distance between points warning off MATLAB:divideByZero; m=(c2-c1)/(r2-r1); %Line gradient theta=atan(m); %Line angle if c1==c2 %Cater for the infinite gradient if r2>r1 for i=1:radius ...
1. 函数代码function [maximumData,maximumIdx] = findPeaks_Own(data,MinPeakHeight,MinPeakDistance,MinPeakProminence) %获得极大值点 maximumP = find(diff(sign(diff(data)))<0)+1; maximumP2 = []; % ---…