disp(['The distance between point A and point B is ', num2str(distance)]); %显示最远距离 如果我们有一组点,我们想找到这些点之间的最远距离,我们可以先找到这组点中的两个最远的点,然后计算这两个点之间的最远距离。例如: points = rand(10, 3); %生成10个随机点 %找到这组点中的两个最远的...
functiond=SphereDist(x,y,R)%x为A点[经度, 纬度], y为B点[经度, 纬度]ifnargin<3R=6378.137;...
r2 = pE(1);c2 = pE(2); brIn(r1,c1)=1; %Fill the initial points brIn(r2,c2)=1; radius=sqrt((r2-r1)^2 + (c2-c1)^2); %Distance between points warning off MATLAB:divideByZero; m=(c2-c1)/(r2-r1); %Line gradient theta=atan(m); %Line angle if c1==c2 %Cater for the ...
r2 = pE(1);c2 = pE(2); brIn(r1,c1)=1; %Fill the initial points brIn(r2,c2)=1; radius=sqrt((r2-r1)^2 + (c2-c1)^2); %Distance between points warning off MATLAB:divideByZero; m=(c2-c1)/(r2-r1); %Line gradient theta=atan(m); %Line angle if c1==c2 %Cater for the ...
function d=distance(lat1,long1,lat2,long2,R)%DISTANCE%d=DISTANCE(lat1,long1,lat2,long2,R)compute distance between points%on sphere with radians R.y1=lat1/180*pi;x1=long1/180*pi;y2=lat2/180*pi;x2=long2/180*pi;dy=y1-y2;dx=x1-x2;d=2*R*asin(sqrt(sin(dy/2)^2+sin(dx/...
cfg.delay = 1; % delay 1 between points in ordinal patterns cfg.windowSize = 512; % window size = 512 time steps cfg.lowerThreshold = 0.2; % the distance considered negligible between points cfg.upperThreshold = 200; % the distance between points most probably related to artifact ...
D=distance(24,120,24,121) % distance看matlab help pi=3.1415926; dx=D*6371*1000*2*pi/360; 2 利用一下程序函数 function r = geodistance( ci , cf , m ) % Calculates the distance in meters between two points on earth surface.
points_to_look_between = NodeNumbersMatrix(i,:); two_vectors_of_points = CoordinatesMatrix(points_to_look_between,2:end); distance_of_two_vectors = sqrt(sum((two_vectors_of_points(1,:) - two_vectors_of_points(2,:)).^2)); distance_array(i) = distance_of_two_vectors; end %...
In MATLAB, calculating the distance between two points with known latitude and longitude involves the use of spherical trigonometry. The Earth is approximated as a perfect sphere, and the Haversine formula is often employed to compute the great-circle distance between the two points. This formula ...
D=distance(24,120,24,121) % distance看matlab help pi=3.1415926; dx=D*6371*1000*2*pi/360; 2 利用一下程序函数 function r = geodistance( ci , cf , m ) % Calculates the distance in meters between two points on earth surface.