Matlab find values in array used for find indices and values of nonzero elements in the given array. To find values of nonzero elements in array, we need to take all elements in array and use proper syntax. The steps for find values of nonzero value using find values in array: Step 1...
MATLAB MATLAB Array 本教程将讨论使用 MATLAB 中的 find() 函数在数组中查找值的索引。 在MATLAB 中使用 find() 函数在数组中查找值的索引 在数组中,元素被放置在从 1 开始的某些索引上,依此类推。要在给定数组中查找值的索引,我们可以使用 find() 函数。find() 函数用于查找数组或矩阵中元素的索引和值。
~] = size(Matrix); Logical_Array = isnan(Matrix); for Row = 1: +1: Matrix_Height Target_Row = Logical_Array(Row,:); [Minimum,Indices] = find(Target_Row == 0); Last_Non_NaN_Index = max(Indices); Matrix(Row,Last_Non_NaN_Index) = NaN; end Matrix ...
fprintf('value of a: %d \n', a); end 1. 2. 3. 输出结果为: value of a: 10 value of a: 11 value of a: 12 value of a: 13 value of a: 14 value of a: 15 value of a: 16 value of a: 17 value of a: 18 value of a: 19 value of a: 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...
Find(X, n, 1) gives the index of the first "n" that occurs. No, it doesn't. helpfind find - Find indices and values of nonzero elements This MATLAB function returns a vector containing the linear indices of each nonzero element in array X. Syntax k = find(X) k = find(X,n)...
% In this case, F = humps(X) returns the scalar function value F of % the HUMPS function evaluated at X. % % FUN can also be an anonymous function: % X = fmincon(@(x) 3*sin(x(1))+exp(x(2)),[1;1],[],[],[],[],[0 0]) % returns X = [0;0]. % % If FUN or...
IDX = OTSU(I,N) segments the image I into N classes by means of Otsu's N-thresholding method. OTSU returns an array IDX containing the cluster indices (from 1 to N) of each point. IDX = OTSU(I) uses two classes (N=2, default value). ...
x = 3 % defining x and initializing it with a value MATLAB将执行上面的语句,并返回以下结果: x = 3 它创建了一个1-1的矩阵名为x和的值存储在其元素。让我们查看另一个例子, x = sqrt(16) % defining x and initializing it with an expression ...
% cluster indices of each point. % % [label, center] = LITEKMEANS(X, K) returns the K cluster centroid % locations in the K-by-P matrix center. % % [label, center, bCon] = LITEKMEANS(X, K) returns the bool value bCon to % indicate whether the iteration is converged. % %...