As described in the source code, this implementation uses a combination of algorithms for the Faddeeva function: a continued-fraction expansion for large |z| [similar to G. P. M. Poppe and C. M. J. Wijers, "More efficient computation of the complex error function," ACM Trans. Math. ...
ERF overloads the default MATLAB error function of real-valued numbers with a much faster implementation. ERFZ enhances ERF to evaluate the error function of complex numbers too. If called with real numbers, it is identical to ERF and equally fast. ERFZ can replace ERF if no error message...
This file is similar to the built-in MATLAB erf function, but accepts complex arguments. An included application example uses erf_ to compute the Fresnel integral functions and plot a Cornu spiral (see screenshot). 인용 양식 Kenneth Johnson (2024). Complex Erf (Error Function), ...
function [H,W]=dtft(h,N) %定义一个dtft函数 %DTFT caculate DTFT at N equally spaced frequencies %Usage: %[H,W]=dtft(h,N) %h:finite-length input vector, whose length is L %N:number of frequencies for evaluation over [-pi,pi) %==>constraint:N>=L %H:DTFT values (complex) %W:(...
The Voigt/complex error function by vectorized interpolation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: 2025/2/13. Abrarov, S. M., et al. “A Single-Dom...
complex 建立一个复数 conj 复数配对 cos,cosh 余弦,双曲余弦 csc,csch 余切,双曲余切 cot,coth 余切,双曲余切 exp 指数 fix 朝0方向取整 floor 朝负无穷取整 *** 最大公因数 imag 复数值的虚部 lcm 最小公倍数 log 自然对数 log2 以2为底的对数 ...
1、complex函数:创建复数 2、用法说明: (1)z = complex(x,y) 函数创建复数z,输入的x,y必须同为变量或维数相同、相同数据类型的向量、矩阵或者多维数组。输出的结果跟输入的维数相同,返回值为a+b*i; (2)y=complex(x) 返回结果为实部为x,所有虚部为0的复数,等价于y=complex(x,0)。
error = error_function_Miao(gk_prime,support); % Showing reconstructed object distribution imshow(flipud(imresize(rot90(gk_prime), 0.5)), []); title('Reconstructed object distribution') xlabel({'x / px'}) ylabel({'y / px'}) axis on ...
Don't alias builtin complex function; "there be dragons!" Sign in to comment. Image Analyst on 9 Oct 2022 Vote 0 Link Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: plot.csv Try readtable: ThemeCopy filename='plot.csv'; data= readtable(filename) data = 10×5 table a1 a2 b1 b2 C1...
function :函数头 global :定义全局变量 nargchk :检查输入参数数目 persistent :定义常量 script :作为脚本的M文件 (7)流程控制 break :停止执行循环 case :case语句,switch语句一部分 switch switch_expr case case_expr statments case otherwise end