I am using MATLAB livelink for a heat transfer problem. I am trying to define a function for density of the material used in my model. I use the following commands in MATLAB to make the function. I should also mention that Density.m file is also in the directory in which th...
matlab:Error: Function definitions are not permitted in this context.怎么回事?function[Em,E0]=GameMont1(n) a=nchoosek(16,8); P=0; for i=4:8 P(i-3)=2^(i~=4)*nchoosek(8,i)*nchoosek(8,8-i)/a end E0=P*[-3,0.2,0.5,1,10]’; Freq0=zeros(1,5); for i=1:n x=randsample...
MATLAB问题 运行会出现:Error: Function definitions are not permitted at the prompt or in scripts.fuction [K,L,T,G1]=getfolpd(key,G) switch key case 1, [y,t]=step(G); fun=inline('x(1)*(1-exp(-(t-x(2)/x(3))).*(t>x(2))','x','t'); x=lsqcurvefit(fun,[1 1 1],t...
Open in MATLAB Online Hello, I am trying to experiment the usage of copyfile for copying a .jar file for source location to destination. I have written a test script that takes the jar file from the current location and move it to a destination folder "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020b...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Put this code in a file called checkEchelonMatrix.m that is on the MATLAB path: 테마복사 function [result] = checkEchelonMatrix(M) %rest of my code is here end Then have other code somewhere else that calls it. E.g.,...
function y=Ex0502(zeta)x=0:0.1:20;x=linspace(0,20,length(zeta));y=1-sqrt(1-zeta.^2).*exp(-zeta.*x).*sin(sqrt(1-zeta.^2).*x+acos(zeta));plot(x,y)end 按上面语句保存试试
function [pl,ql,pr,qr]=pdexlbc(xl,ul,xr,ur,t)%a表示下边界,b表示上边界pl=88.464;ql=1;pr=1.25*u2-22;qr=1;%% 初值条件函数function u0=pdexlic(x)u0=22;clcx=0:0.02:0.3;t=0:0.360:3600;m=0;sol=pdepe(m,@pdexlpde,@pdexlic,@pdexlbc,x,t);...
第一次用matlab。 做一个最简单的实验,产生信号波形。 产生信号波形的方法有三种。 第一种就是funtool funtool的f和g是两个x的函数,分别显示。 我在输入f时,输错了。输成2sin(x),回车出现: ??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback. ??? Error using ==> sym.sym>char2sym ...