二、源代码 function compareimages(A,ATitle,B,BTitle) %COMPAREIMAGES Displays two images side by side with linked axes % COMPAREIMAGES(A,B) displays images A and B, where A and B are either % grayscale or RGB color images with values in [0,1]. The images are % displayed with linked...
function compareimages(A,ATitle,B,BTitle) %COMPAREIMAGES Displays two images side by side with linked axes % COMPAREIMAGES(A,B) displays images A and B, where A and B are either % grayscale or RGB color images with values in [0,1]. The images are % displayed with linked axes for ...
compares two bank notes, one authentic and one that we're not sure of the nature of, and I was wondering if I have to apply whatever operations I apply on the one that I'm not sure of on the reference image as well in order to c...
using imagesc to display and compare two images팔로우 조회 수: 2 (최근 30일) ben 2011년 5월 10일 추천 0 링크 번역 through previous functions i have taken one image and altered it slightly i want to be able to display both these images using 'imagesc...
I have a requirement to compare two images.. Input source an be either webcam/ image compare source - a folder which has 15 images which is an extract from videos . Code iam executing which i have picked from one FAQ source % Specify the folder where the reference image file lives. ...
The kite shown can be divided into two triangles, horizontally, with the upper triangle being much smaller than the lower triangle. If I reduce the height of the upper triangle further, I could get something that looks similar to a triangle but which does have ...
Image registration is often used as a preliminary step in other image processing applications. For example, you can use image registration to align satellite images or medical images captured with different diagnostic modalities, such as MRI and SPECT. Image registration enables you to compare common...
% SUMPROD Computes the sum and product of two images. 百分号开始的文字表示注释。当使用帮助命令 >> help function_name 时,这个H1行会被首先显示出来。如果使用lookfor命令,则会在所有H1行中查找指定的关键字。这一行应该提供这个函数功能的一个概述。帮助部分是紧跟在H1后的文本块,中间没有空行,用来提供对...
I'm facing some difficulties in the code, i followed the link you supplied me with and its exactly what i want; But when i try to compile the code im getting an error at a certain part of the code. Everything goes well until the function reaches a certain point and i get this ...
Dear all, I have two images with different sizes(A is big, B is small). I need to compare pixel by pixel and plot a third image with A in the background. How can I do that? I ahve tried the below, but without luck close all; ...