13、erationsD = -0.2 1.0 1.5 3.0 -1.0 4.2 3.14;%You can directly exploit the logical indexing power of MATLAB to select the valid cone volumesVgood = V(D = 0);%MATLAB can compare two vectors of the same size, allowing you to impose further restrictions.V(V = 0) & (D H)Matrix...
1 帮助文档:intersect Set intersection. C = intersect(A,B) for vectors A and B, returns the values common to the two vectors with no repetitions. C will be sorted. C = intersect(A,B,'rows') for matrices A and B with the same number of columns, returns the rows co...
Of course, it is not possible to do this perfectly evenly spaced, and span the entire vector, so you have to make some compromise somewhere.
Hi, I have two cell vectors of different lengths, containing both numbers and numbers/characters. Now, I want to delete all elements of vector A, which are not in vector B. Best, Chris댓글 수: 1 per isakson 2012년 5월 10일 Did you search the FEX (File Exchange)? Did...
Compare two numeric vectors using theIsEqualToconstraint. The test fails. exp = [1 100]; act = [1.1 101.1]; testCase.verifyThat(act,IsEqualTo(exp)) Verification failed. --- Framework Diagnostic: --- IsEqualTo failed. --> NumericComparator failed. --> The numeric values are not equal...
Matlab是强大的数值分析与计算的软件,本例分享使用Matlab进行两个数集的交集、并集等运算。intersect函数取交集 帮助文档: intersect Set intersection. C = intersect(A,B) for vectors A and B, returns the values common to the two vectors with no repetitions. C will be sorted. C = ...
I try to compare two vectors (waveforms from wav files). One is the original sound file and the other is a manipulated sound file. I try to find the indices in the original sound file that match with the manipulated sound file. In the end, I would like to plot the original ...
s1='Yes';s2='No';tf=strcmp(s1,s2)tf=0strcmp returns0because s1 and s2 are not equal.Compare two equal character vectors.s1='Yes';s2='Yes';tf=strcmp(s1,s2)tf=1strcmp returns1because s1 and s2 are equal. 在单元格数组中查找文本 ...
rgbcube 显示一个彩色RGB立方体 subimage 在单个图形中显示多幅图像 truesize 调整图像的显示尺寸 warp 将图像显示为纹理映射的表面 图像文件输入/输出 Dicominfo 从一条DICOM消息中读取元数据 Dicomread 读一幅DICOM图像 Dicomwrite 写一幅DICOM图像 Dicom-dict.txt 包含DICOM数据字典的文本文件 ...
Imstack2vectors(DIPUM) 从图像堆栈提取向量 Invmoments(DIPUM) 计算图像不变距 Mahalanobis(DIPUM) 计算Mahalanobis距离 Minperpoly(DIPUM) 计算最小周长多边形 Polyangles(DIPUM) 计算多边形内角 Princomp(DIPUM) 得到主分量向量和相关量 Qtdecomp 执行四叉树分解 Qtgetblk 得到四叉树分解中的块值 Qtsetblk 在四叉树中...