% Matlab code for Linear Interpolation x = linspace(1,23,13); y = cos(x); vq = pi; xq = interp1(x,y,vq); plot(x,y,'o-',vq,xq,'black*') 输出: 我们用较少的样本点绘制相同的数据,图左下方的黑色 * 表示插值查询点。 注意:这里的插值(-0.800332)与上一个示例(-1.0)不同,因为样本...
matlab中linear_interpolation用法 Matlab 1. 线性插值(Linear Interpolation)是一种基本的插值方法,在Matlab中有一系列函数可以用来进行线性插值操作。本文将介绍几种常用的线性插值函数以及它们的用法。 2. interp1 interp1函数是Matlab中最常用的线性插值函数,可以用来进行一维插值。 Vq=interp1(X,V,Xq) •X: ...
% MATLAB code for interp2() % Specifying a 2-D grid [X,Y] = meshgrid(-4:4); % Sampling the peaks() function V = peaks(X,Y); [Xq,Yq] = meshgrid(-4:0.25:4); % Calling the interp2() function title('Linear Interpolation Using Finer Grid'); Vq = interp2(X,Y,V,Xq,Yq);...
functiony0=Lagrange_interpolation(x,y,x0)%功能:拉格朗日插值多项式求解%输入:x为插值节点,y为插值节点对应的值,x0为计算点集%输出:x0处值的集合y0y0 =zeros(1,length(x0));fori=1:1:length(x0)%循环作用:遍历x0X =ones(1,length(x));fork =1:1:length(x)%循环作用:(x0(i)-x(j))/(x(k)...
Examples of Linear Interpolation in MATLAB Here are some common examples linear interpolation in matlab − Example 1: Using vq = interp1(x,v,xq) The code we have is as follows − x=[1,2,3,4,5];v=[10,20,15,25,30];xq=1.5:0.5:4.5;%Perform linear interpolation vq=interp1(x,v...
Perform the linear interpolation to estimate Kz for the specified height from step #3 I can't hard code it or use the built in linear interpolation function so I keep on getting various errors. I need help with indexing the arrays and putting them into the linear int. equation.1...
As shown in FIG, the pixel values of f1 and f2 are respectively obtained by a linear interpolation, and then the pixel values of f are obtained by linear interpolation for f1 and f2. This is the principle of bilinear interpolation. We can use the following formula to show the process of...
MATLAB - Interpolation MATLAB - Linear Interpolation MATLAB - 2D Array Interpolation MATLAB - 3D Array Interpolation MATLAB - Polynomials MATLAB - Polynomials MATLAB - Polynomial Addition MATLAB - Polynomial Multiplication MATLAB - Polynomial Division MATLAB - Derivatives of Polynomials MATLAB - Transformation...
摘要: This code can image 2D data with interpolation, which can make the corresponding figure smoother. Example for using is included, which will make the code easy to use. The code is particularly useful for 2D data with small size.
% % Input: % x: signal to be analyzed (a vector) % interp_method: selected interpllation method, such as 'spline', 'pchip', % 'linear' and 'nearest', in which 'spline' is recommended. % 'spline' -- cubic spline interpolation % 'pchip' -- cubic Hermitian interpolation % 'linear'...