betaln beta对数函数 log2 分割浮点数 elipj Jacobi椭圆函数 legendre legendre伴随函数 ellipke 完全椭圆积分 pow2 基2标量浮点数 erf 误差函数 rat 有理逼近 erfc 互补误差函数 rats 有理输出 === A a abs 绝对值、模、字符的ASCII码值 acos 反余弦 acosh 反双曲余弦 acot 反余切 acoth 反双曲余切 acsc...
分享3赞 matlab吧 高四完结生 【求教】matlab编写Jacobi迭代法程序,运行时索引超出范围这是我的函数定义function x=Jacobimethod(A,b,x0,Maxit,N)%建立Jacobi算法在Matlab上的函数if nargin<5N=500;else N=N;endn=length(b);x1=zeros(n,1);k=0;r=max(abs(b-A*x1));... 分享2赞 matlab吧 秦志恒...
5、插值常用的插值函数如下:griddata 数据网格化合曲面拟合Griddata3 三维数据网格化合超曲面拟合interp1 一维插值(yi=interp1(x,y,xi,’method’)Method=nearest/linear/spline/pchip/cubicInterp2 二维插值zi=interp1(x,y,z,xi,yi’method’),bilinearInterp3 三维插值interpft 用快速傅立叶变换进行一维插值,helpf...
betaln beta对数函数 log2 分割浮点数elipj Jacobi椭圆函数 legendre legendre伴随函数ellipke 完全椭圆积分 pow2 基2标量浮点数erf 误差函数 rat 有理逼近erfc 互补误差函数 rats 有理输出附录2 函数查询表A aabs 绝对值、模、字符的ASCII码值acos 反余弦acosh 反双曲余弦acot 反余切acoth 反双曲余切acsc 反余...
最后会得到有关 y 的函数或者可以直接得到函数的 Jacobi 矩阵:J = jacobian(u,[x y]); 数值求导Matlab 没有内置直接计算数值求导的函数,只能把求导转化为差分格式。例如已知横坐标向量 x 和对应的函数值向量 y ,则导数向量可以被估计为diff(y)./diff(x); ...
You have A=diag(1./diag(A1_HW3)) . If A1_HW3 were a scalar at that point then A would end up being a scalar, but we have reason to believe that A1_HW3 is an array at that point, in which case A is going to end up being a square a...
elipj Jacobi椭圆函数 legendre legendre伴随函数 ellipke 完全椭圆积分 pow2 基2标量浮点数 erf 误差函数 rat 有理逼近 erfc 互补误差函数 rats 有理输出 附录2 函数查询表A aabs 绝对值、模、字符的ASCII码值 acos 反余弦 acosh 反双曲余弦 acot 反余切 ...
% This code automatically updates the most recent value of x(i) % So this becomes Gauss Seidel on its own % Understanding has to be developed for it to become Jacobi method foriter = 1:25 x(1) = (b(1)-A(1,2)*x(2)-A(1,3)*x(...
Can be easily modified to include Neumann and Robin BC's; also, the solver for Au=b is Matlab standard; which can be replaced by something more powerful (like a Parallel Jacobi method or a fast Gauss-Seidel). Useful for computing temperature distribution over a square plate, or other like...
This method involves computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Jacobi matrix constructed from the moments of the weight function. 테마복사 function [nodes, weights] = custom_gaussian_quadrature(weight_function, n) % Define a suitable interval for integration, e.g., [a, b] a = ...