b,N=25,x=None):"""Solves the equation Ax=b via the Jacobi iterative method."""# Create an initial guess if neededifxisNone:x=zeros(len(A[0]))# Create a vector of the diagonal elements of A# and subtract them from AD=diag(A)R=A-diagflat(D)# Iterate for N timesforiinrange(N...
method='trf',ftol=1e-08,xtol=1e-08,gtol=1e-08,x_scale=1.0,loss='linear', f_scale=1.0,,diff_step=None,tr_solver=None,tr_options={},jac_sparsity=None, max_nfev=None,verbose=0,args=(),kwargs={}) # func:接受function,表示需要求解的函数。无...
print("Jacobi will not converge as the"\" largest eigenvalue of the convergence matrix is {}".format(rho))forjinrange(MaxSteps): x_old = x.copy() x = bnorm + np.dot(AL + AU, x)if(la.norm(x - x_old) < tolerance):print"Jacobi converged in ", j," iterations."breakreturnx ...
其中, 矩阵V和Λ分别由矩阵J的本征矢和本征值组成. 显然, Jacobi迭代的收敛性由相应迭代矩阵的本征值决定. 若矩阵J所有本征值绝对值均小于1, 则Jacobi迭代收敛; 否则, 不收敛. 现以有限差分法离散化1维Poisson's equation(Δu=f)为例, 采用Jacobi迭代求解该线性系统, 并分析误差成分: (10)A=[−211...
Solve Laplace's equation using the Jacobi method Use the Gauss–Seidelmethod to solve Laplace’s equation for the two-dimensional problem box 1m on ea…阅读全文 赞同15 添加评论 分享收藏 使用Python 求解拉普拉斯方程 问题描述 我们求解的问题是:在给定边界温度的情况下,求出二维平...
示例1: test_jacobi ▲点赞 6▼ # 需要导入模块: from scipy import special [as 别名]# 或者: from scipy.special importjacobi[as 别名]deftest_jacobi(self):a =5*rand() -1b =5*rand() -1P0 = special.jacobi(0,a,b) P1 = special.jacobi(1,a,b) ...
From a programming standpoint, the Jacobi method can be implemented in C++ using the standard library algorithmsstd::for_eachfor performing the update step, andstd::any_offor checking for convergence. The following Cython code uses these C++ functions to implement a Jacobi solver. For more inform...
Add Jacobi Iteration Method (#5113) 3年前 audio_filters Add README files 1/7 (#5754) 3年前 backtracking Add README files 1/7 (#5754) 3年前 bit_manipulation Add README files 1/7 (#5754) 3年前 blockchain Pyupgrade to Python 3.9 (#4718) ...
(Fourier, Legendre, Chebyshev first and second kind, Ultraspherical, Jacobi, Laguerre and Hermite), as opposed to finite element codes that are using low-orderlocalbasis functions. Efficiency is ensured through vectorization (Numpy), parallelization (mpi4py) and by moving critical routines toCython...