tf= endsWith(str,substr)は、stringstrの末尾が部分文字列substrである場合は1(true) を返し、それ以外の場合は0(false) を返します。 例 tf= endsWith(str,substr,IgnoreCase=true)は、大文字小文字の違いを無視して、strの末尾がsubstrであるかどうかをチェックします。
If you don’t know the username and password for an administrator, check with the who administers your Macintosh. 2-9 2 Installing the & Simulink Version 4 When the Import nformation window appears, review its contents. Click Continue to proceed with the installation. Note You will not be ...
msg= checkcode(___,'-string')returns the information as a character vector. If you omit the'-struct'or'-string'argument and you specify an output argument, the default behavior is'-struct'. [___,filepaths] = checkcode(___)also returnsfilepaths, the absolute paths to the file names....
If you have a GPU on your local machine, check whether the simulations run faster on the GPU by timing the execution on the GPU and the CPU using thegputimeitandtimeitfunctions respectively. ifcanUseGPU gpu = gpuDevice; disp(gpu.Name +" GPU selected.") tGPU = gputimeit(@() simulateRo...
If string is "EXPONENTIAL", the standard exponential notation with 16 digits of precision is used. If string is "CONCISE", the compiler uses internal heuristics to output the values in a more readable form while maintaining accuracy. The %realformat directive sets the default format for Real nu...
The best way to print a clock vector is to use fprintf or sprintf with a specified format string that has both integer and floating point fields. f = '%6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %9.3f\n' I am revising this chapter on August 2, 2011, at a few minutes after 2:00pm, so c = clock...
Logical array — Displays check boxes. true values correspond to selected boxes, whereas false values display cleared boxes. Cell array — Displays any combination of numeric, logical, or character array values. String array — Displays characters and text. Cell array of character vectors — Displ...
% Initialization phase: [err,signal]=sim.simxGetAndClearStringSignal(clientID,'sig', sim.simx_opmode_streaming); % while we are connected: while (sim.simxGetConnectionId(clientID)~=-1) [err,signal]=sim.simxGetAndClearStringSignal(clientID,'sig', sim.simx_opmode_buffer); if (err==si...
stringfirstandlast('boring example') = 'be' functiony=stringfirstandlast(x)y=[x(1),x(end)]end Problem 568. Number of 1s in a binary string Find the number of 1s in the given binary string. Example. If the input string is ‘1100101’, ...
[t0 tfinal] integrates %the system of differential equations y = f(t,y) from time t0 to tfinal %with initial conditions y0.%fun is a string as a name of the function which evaluates the function %f(t,y)if nargin 4 error(MATLAB:myode:TooManyInputs,... Too many input arguments. ...