比如,我们把之前建立的一个输入框叫做inputedit里面的文字调进来,用的命令是:get(GUI. inputedit, 'string'),这时这串命令对应的就是一个变量,如果你给变量命名,也就是你写的是function InputFcn(a,b),那么,你无非就是可以加一句a=get(GUI. inputedit, 'string'),但这其实没有区别。你写这个a=get(GUI....
'Position',[.1 .3 .25 .1],'String','MyColor',... 'call',['set(gcf,''Color'',''g''); ',... 'if get(hc,''Value'')==1,','set(gcf,''Color'',''r''),','end']); hn=uicontrol(gcf,'Style','check','Units','normalized','Position',[.1 .2 .25 .1],'String',...
Check if a string is in a set of valid values. validStrings = ["wind","wonder","when"]; str = "wind"; validStr = validatestring(str,validStrings) validStr = "wind" Check if "WON" is in the set of valid values defined by validStrings. The string is a case-insensitive, partial...
% colormap length. If the input image is grayscale, BG should be an % integer in the range [0,1]. If the input image is RGB, BG should be a % three-element vector whose values are in the range [0,1]. The string % ‘BackgroundColor’ may be abbreviated. % % If the ALPHA o...
MATLAB 环境下的行为就像一个超级复杂的计算器。您可以使用 >> 命令提示符下输入命令。 MATLAB 是一种解释型的环境。换句话说,你给一个命令 MATLAB 就马上执行。 实践 键入一个有效的表达,例如, 5+5 1. 然后按ENTER键 当点击“执行”按钮,或者按Ctrl+ E,MATLAB执行它立即返回的结果是: ...
2 MATLAB: Elegant way to check if 'if' statement is NOT true 13 Difference between boolean and logical 0 Comparing columns of matrix and giving boolean output 0 Python check for boolean 2 Write for loop as boolean operation 4 How to convert string variable into boolean in Matlab? 8...
A05070F00D1EB1F92326 VENDOR_STRING=QQ=47399897 HOSTID=ANY \ ck=216 SN=888888 TS_OK INCREMENT Aerospace_Toolbox MLM 99 permanent uncounted \ 6090F0C08395D4289512 VENDOR_STRING=QQ=47399897 HOSTID=ANY \ ck=237 SN=888888 TS_OK INCREMENT Bioinformatics_Toolbox MLM 99 permanent uncounted \ ...
function isPrime = checkPrime(number) if number <= 1 isPrime = false; else isPrime = true; for i = 2:sqrt(number) if mod(number, i) == 0 isPrime = false; break; end end end end 脚本文件示例:生成并绘制随机数据的散点图。
Check whether the plot function is a built-in function or a file. Get A = exist('plot') A = 5 This indicates that plot is a built-in MATLAB function.Input Arguments collapse all name— Name of variable, script, function, folder, or class string scalar | character vector Name of ...