So, which parameter should I change in order to get the correct scale for x-axis? Accepted Answer Birdmanon 26 Dec 2017 1 Link Open in MATLAB Online p_avg=1;% average optical power R=1;% photodetector sensitivity Rb=1;% normalized bit rate ...
I would like to change the x-axis to show -3.85, 3.85 and for the y-axis to show -2.9,2.9. However, when I load my image into the figure and go into the property editor Matlab believes I am typing in the range of pixels still. I would just like to scale my image ...
ans=get(gca,'XLabel'); set(ans,'String','Values of X axis'); 1. 2. (7)XLim、YLim、ZLim属性: 取值都是具有2个元素的数值向量。3个属性分别定义个坐标轴的上下限。缺省为[0,1]。 (8)XScale、YScale、ZScale属性: 取值都是’linear’(缺省值)或’log’,这些属性定义个坐标轴的刻度类型 (9)Vie...
Starting in R2023b, you can change the scale of any axis after you create the plot by calling thexscale,yscale, orzscalefunction. For example, create a plot of two vectors x and y. Then set the scale of the y-axis to logarithmic. ...
(3,'Third Y-Axis (Y3)'); % Add y-Labels h.ylabel(4,'Another Y-Axis(Y4)'); % Add y-Labels h.xlabel('X-Axis'); % Add x-Label h.fontsize(10); % Change all font sizes h.position([0.1,0.15,0.8,0.75],0.12); % Position-Vector and Spacing 0.12 %% 增添图例 kk=legend(h....
You might ask, when is the MOD style test, using a large scale test for roughness against many thousands or millions of small primes, when is it better than the use of GCD? The answer here is clear. Use the large scale mod test when you can easily move from one member of the family...
Hi all, I need to scale both axis of one 2D graph for export it. I am trying to plot force vs displacement (x), and I am asked to print the plot, following this scale: 1000 N should be 175mm 1m of displacement, should be 135mm ...
I have an image with 4 spots on it, I want those spots to line up exactly(or very close) to X,Y coordinates in a figure that I would like to draw on top of this image. The image is currently 600x600 pixels, but that could be adjusted. My figure scale goes from AXIS([388020 38...
(3,'Third Y-Axis (Y3)'); % Add y-Labels h.ylabel(4,'Another Y-Axis(Y4)'); % Add y-Labels h.xlabel('X-Axis'); % Add x-Label h.fontsize(10); % Change all font sizes h.position([0.1,0.15,0.8,0.75],0.12); % Position-Vector and Spacing 0.12 %% 增添图例 kk=legend(h....
MaskIconUnits: 'autoscale' MaskValueString: '' MaskRunInitForIconRedraw: 'analyze' MaskTabNameString: '' Mask: 'off' MaskCallbacks: {0×1 cell} MaskEnables: {0×1 cell} MaskNames: {0×1 cell} MaskPropertyNameString: '' MaskPrompts: {0×1 cell} ...