MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: tmp.m Hi @cindyawati cindyawati, To reverse the direction of the y-axis, you can use the following command: 테마복사 set(gca, 'YDir', 'normal'); By default, the imagesc function changes the y-axis direction to "reverse", which is why...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: Starting in R2023b, you can change the scale of any axis after you create the plot by calling thexscale,yscale, orzscalefunction. For example, create a plot of two vectors x and y. Then set the scale of the y-axis to logarithmic. ...
Open in MATLAB Online I am trying to plot the average power spectrum for a group of participants. MatLab automatically uses a numeric scale for the yaxis, this can be changed to 'log' in the figure editor page but I want the y-axis to use the f...
I would like to change the x-axis to show -3.85, 3.85 and for the y-axis to show -2.9,2.9. However, when I load my image into the figure and go into the property editor Matlab believes I am typing in the range of pixels still. I would just like to scale my image ...
1 resize image in Matlab (make square/scale) 0 How to have axes with different scales for an image in MatLab 3 Display an image scale space in MATLAB 0 Changing image scale MATLAB 1 Change size of figure in MATLAB to use them in LaTeX Hot Network Questions How can I tell whi...
MATLAB Answers How to plot axis and legend? 1 Answer How to insert Xlabel and Ylabel into axes when designing GUI ? 3 Answers Log-scale frequency axis in Signal Analyzer App 1 Answer Entire Website spider_plot File Exchange msgboxFontSize File Exchange MontageFigures F...
Now, separately try this and see if it is what you need. When you have such large differences in scale, there can be problems representing all the data points on an axis.hello
Open in MATLAB Online You could try this: ThemeCopy I=imread('cameraman.tif'); figure; subplot(1,2,1) imshow(I);axis on subplot(1,2,2) I2=flipud(I) imshow(I2);axis on set(gca,'YDir','normal') 1 Comment Pasindu Samaranayake on 17 Jul 2018 Thanks a lot...
the result of plot) describes the length, while the size argument for scatter describes the area, hence the need to square to get the same visual size. For scatter, the legend will always have the same size, while for plot the size is the same as what you see in the axis. ThemeC...
In Matlab how do I change the arrow head style in quiver plot? Ask Question Asked 11 years, 1 month ago Modified 4 years, 2 months ago Viewed 74k times Report this ad21 I would like to change the default arrow head style in quiver plot. How can I change it?matlab...