我们在上面详细介绍了plot函数的用法及参数设置,plot函数在画散点图以及曲线图确实非常方便,但是有些情况我们想要使用柱状图来表达一些变量的统计分布,那么这就要使用bar函数了。 bar函数与plot函数非常类似,最常用的用法为:bar(X, Y); 示例: X = 1: 1: 10;Y = 1: 1: 10;bar(X, Y); % X,Y中的值相...
(2) 指定散点图中标记颜色 (2) Specify the marker color in the scatter plot 使用scatter函数绘制一张散点图,指定圆点的大小为30磅,填充颜色青绿色,轮廓颜色品红色。 Use the scatter function to draw a scatterplot, specify the size of the dots to be 30 points, the fill color is turquoise, and...
Hello. My question is as follows: Is it possible if I have some data points in a figure and a curve (with the real values), to calculate the difference between the two and plot it as an error bar? Say for example I have a point calculated by me at ...
bar(y) % 创建一个条形图,y 中的每个元素对应一个条形。如果 y 是 m×n 矩阵,则 bar 创建每组包含 n 个条形的 m 个组。 bar(x,y) % 在 x 指定的位置绘制条形。 bar(___,width) % 设置条形的相对宽度以控制组中各个条形的间隔。将 width 指定为标量值。可以将此选项与前面语法中的任何输入参数组...
1.plot()函数 plot函数用于绘制二维平面上的线性坐标曲线图,要提供一组x坐标和对应的y坐标,可以绘制分别以x和y为横、纵坐标的二维曲线。 例: t=0:0.1:2*pi; x=2*t; y=t.*sin(t).*sin(t); plot(x,y); 复制 2. 含多个输入参数的plot函数 ...
will create a plot with a dark red line width of 2 points. Example x = -pi:pi/10:pi; y = tan(sin(x)) - sin(tan(x)); plot(x,y,'--rs','LineWidth',2,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k',... 'MarkerFaceColor','g',... 'MarkerSize',10) ...
X=xlsread('dataTableA2.xlsx'); Vars = X(:,7:12); % 绘制变量间相关性关联图 figure plotmatrix(Vars) % 绘制变量间相关性强度图 covmat = corrcoef(Vars); figure imagesc(covmat); grid; colorbar; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
Line PlotsScatter and Bubble ChartsData Distribution PlotsDiscrete Data PlotsGeographic PlotsPolar PlotsContour PlotsVector FieldsSurface and Mesh PlotsVolume VisualizationAnimationImages plot scatter histogram bar geoplot polarplot contour quiver surf
In this chapter, the bar graph which is one of the plot types in MATLAB is presented and described. In this regard, several examples and exercises for each section of the chapter are presented. The exercises that include writing the codes, executing them, and achieving the results need to ...
线图,包括:plot,plot3,stairs,errorbar,area,stackedplot函数。 对数图,包括:loglog,semilogx和semilogx函数,。 函数图,包括:fplot,fimplicit和fplot3函数,感觉和ezplot很像,参见 stackedplot函数专门用来绘制堆叠图,意思是一组数据拥有共同x轴,而y轴数据不同。在科研中相对于其他类型图,虽然不常常出现,但偶尔能用到...