比如说某些算法不需要了,但是又不想删除,防止以后再使用的时候还得重新搭,那我们可以先用Terminator模块暂时终止。 14.11 逻辑操作模块LogicalOperator 默认打开是与操作。 修改逻辑运算。AND是与,OR是或,NOT非。 设置输入数量 输出数据类型设置,推荐保持默认的boolean类型。 14.12 乘法模块Product 设置输入个数。 乘法...
Logical Operator:多输入单输出逻辑运算模块,可选择逻辑运算关系(与-AND,或-OR,非-NOT,异或-XOR等)、设置输入信号的个数 Magnitude-Angle to Complex:模角生成复数模块,默认输入量有两个: 一模一角。可设置输入量为模和角中的一个,另一个量设为某一固定值 Math Function:数学运算函数模块,默认值为输出量是输...
Colon operator(:) Less than(<), less than or equal to(<=), greater than(>), greater than or equal to(>=), equal to(==), not equal to(~=) Element-wise AND(&) Element-wise OR(|) Short-circuit AND(&&) Short-circuit OR(||) Precedence of AND and OR Operators MATLAB always gi...
6、Logical Operator:位逻辑运算模块,可选择逻辑运算关系(与-AND,或-OR,非-NOT,异或-XOR等),可设置第二运算数(默认值为FFFF)Combinatorial Logic:实现一个真值表,组合逻辑运算模块Complex to Magnitude-Angle:复数模、角运算模块,输入量为复数,输出量有两个,一个输出为输入信号的模,另一个为输入信号的角Complex...
In C++, you call a superclass method using the scoping operator:superclass::method In Java code, you use:superclass.method The equivalent MATLAB operation ismethod@superclass. Other Differences In MATLAB classes, there is no equivalent to C++ templates or Java generics. However, MATLAB is weakl...
The symbols|and||perform different operations in MATLAB®. The element-wise OR operator described here is|. The short-circuit OR operator is||. When you use the element-wise∧|operators in the context of aniforwhileloop expression (and only in that context), they use short-circuiting to...
ClassDescriptionArray operatorMatrix operator ArithmeticAddition++ Subtraction-- Multiplication.** Right(Left) division./(.\)/(\) Power.^^ Transpose.’’ (Complex conjugate transpose) RelationalLess than< Less than or equal to<= Greater than> ...
在MATLAB中建立一个脚本文件,并输入下面的代码: a = 60; % 60 = 0011 1100 b = 13; % 13 = 0000 1101 c = bitand(a, b) % 12 = 0000 1100 c = bitor(a, b) % 61 = 0011 1101 c = bitxor(a, b) % 49 = 0011 0001 c = bitshift(a, 2) % 240 = 1111 0000 */ ...
MATLAB提供了一些特殊的一些数学符号的表达,像圆周率π, Inf for ∞, i (and j) for √-1 etc. nan 代表“不是一个数字”。 使用分号(;) 分号(;)表示语句结束。但是,如果想抑制和隐藏 MATLAB 输出表达,表达后添加一个分号。 例如, 添加注释