void ex_logical_SF_step(void) { /* Chart: '<Root>/Logical Operator' incorporates: * Inport: '<Root>/u1' * Inport: '<Root>/u2' */ y1 = (u1 || u2); } Modeling Pattern for Relational and Logical Operators — MATLAB Function Block This example shows the MATLAB Function block method ...
Use relational operators in conjunction with the logical operators A & B (AND), A | B (OR), xor(A,B) (XOR), and ~A (NOT), to string together more complex logical statements. For example, you can locate where negative elements occur in two arrays. A = [2 -1; -3 10] A = 2...
Relational operators compare operands quantitatively, using operators like “less than”, “greater than”, and “not equal to.” The result of a relational comparison is a logical array indicating the locations where the relation is true. These are the relational operators in MATLAB®. ...
Logical Operators Relational tests can be combined to test multiple conditions at the same time and the logical operators AND, OR, NOT, and Xor are used as conjunctions between multiple relational tests. In the following example, all of the complex relational tests are True and notice in the...
i=[1 2 3 -4;5 -7 8 9;5 6 7 -7;3 4 -2 4]; i want to replace the elements of above matrix with the value greater than 4 by 4, and the matrix elements less than -4 by -4.댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오....
For each pair of input arrays (H1andH2), the operation returns a logical array of the same size. Each element in the returned array is an element-wise equality or comparison test result. These methods perform scalar expansion in the same way as the MATLAB®built-in relational operators. ...
Value comparisons Relational operators compare the elements in two arrays and return logical true or false values to indicate where the relation holds. For more information, seeArray Comparison with Relational Operators. Functions ==Determine equality ...