annotation('textarrow',[.26 .28],[.67,.37],'String',['指数增长' char(10) '(1到30周期)']); annotation('textarrow',[.7 .7],[.8,.64],'String',['非指数衰减' char(10) '(30到45周期)']); annotation('textarrow',[.809 .859],[.669,.192],'String',['稳定' char(10) ...
;方法三:使用plot和legend函数,并结合annotation函数手动设置图例位置 % 创建一些数据 x = linspace(0,...
(八)text() and annotation()(输入文本 和 增加箭头) Text with mathematical expression using La Tex 示例代码: x = linspace(0,3); y = x .^ 2 .* sin(x); plot(x,y); line([2,2],[0,2 ^2 * sin(2)]); str = '$$ \int_{0} ^ {2} x ^ 2 \sin(x) dx $$' text(0.25,...
plot(x,y);line([2,2],[0,2^2*sin(2)]);str='$$ \int_{0}^{2} x^2\sin(x) dx $$';text(0.25,2.5,str,'Interpreter','latex');annotation('arrow','X',[0.32,0.5],'Y',[0.6,0.4]); 1. linspace是Matlab中的均分计算指令,用于产生x1,x2之间的N点行线性的矢量。其中x1、x2、N...
12、释跟随坐标轴动,使用pin: text annotation文本注释Adding Text Annotations to Graphs文本注释可以用command(text和gtext函数)命令,也可以用plotedit工具箱。给一个figure添加文本注释,不仅可以利用text的string,还可以利用title,xlabel,ylabel,zlabel函数。1.10.4 基础画图命令1.10.4.1 创建figurea.创建figure...
function batch(){ var dataArr = []; $('#line').each(function(){ let obj = ...
matlab里面的parent属性什么意思在matlab里面输入一下命令,其中显示"Parent:173.0070",请问这个"Parent"和"173.x=1:0.1:10;y=sin(x);a=plot(x,y);get(a);DisplayName:''Annotation:[1x1 hg.Annotation]Color:[0 0 1]LineStyle:'-'LineWidth:
Labels can be added to plots using plot annotation functions, such as title. The input to these functions is a string. Strings in MATLAB are enclosed in single quotes ('). >> title('Plot Title') Try adding the title 'Sample Densities' to the existing plot. ...
" function to obtain handles to the different elements of the "
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