(一)函数介绍(Introduction to functions) 1. plot3函数1. plot3 function plot3()函数在MATLAB中,利用函数plot3()绘制三维曲线图,该函数的调用格式为:plot3(x,y,z):该函数绘制三维曲线,参数x、y和z是有相同的维数的向量。 plot3() function In MATLAB, the function plot3() is used to plot a three...
%Animate a point moving along a 3D parametric curve t =linspace(0,2*pi,100); x = 5*cos(t); y = 2*sin
这样的设计使得fplot3函数在绘制复杂三维参数曲线时既灵活又高效。 The fplot3 function is used to draw three-dimensional parametric curves. It accepts three function handles as input parameters: funx, funy, and funz. These handles define the coordinate positions of points on the curve in the three...
3-D parametric curve plotter 3D参数曲线图形 ezcontour use contour plotter 等高线图 ezcontourf filled contour plotter 填充等高线图 ezmesh 3-D mesh plotter 3D mesh曲面图形 ezmeshc combination mesh/contour plotter mesh曲面/等高线图 ezsurf 3-D colored surface plotter 3D surf曲面图形 ezsurfc combination...
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot(X,Y,ent,label='parametric curve',marker = "o") # 添加轴标签 ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('ent') # 添加标签值 for i in range(len(Dpair)): ax.text(X[i],Y[i],ent[i],(X[i],Y[i],ent[i]),fontsize=6...
3-D parametric curve plotter 3D参数曲线图形 ezcontour use contour plotter 等高线图 ezcontourf filled contour plotter 填充等高线图 ezmesh 3-D mesh plotter 3D mesh曲面图形 ezmeshc combination mesh/contour plotter mesh曲面/等高线图 ezsurf 3-D colored surface plotter 3D surf曲面图形 ezsurfc combination ...
7.graph2d 二维图形Two dimensional graphs 8.graph3d 三维图形Three dimensional graphs 9.datafun 数据分析Data analysis.10.specgraph 特殊图形Specialized graphs.11.strfun 字符串操作Character strings.12.optim 优化工具箱Optimization Toolbox 13. Symbolic 符号函数工具箱Symbolic Math Toolbox 二、各类命令集和...
ezplot3 - 3D parametric plot ezpolar - plot a 2d curve in polar coordinates ezsurf - 3D surface plotter ezsurfc - 3D surface and contour plotter Special Functions abs - absolute value besseli - Bessel function of the first kind besselj - Bessel function of the first kind besselk - Bessel...
% plot(x,y,'r.',z{1},z{2},'k','linewidth',2) % axis equal tight % % %--- Example #6: smooth a 3-D parametric curve --- % t = linspace(0,6*pi,1000); % x = sin(t) + 0.1*randn(size(t)); % y = cos(t) + 0.1*randn(size(t)); ...