The code for Surface is surf(), surf(X,Y,Z) creates a three-dimensional surface plot, which is a three-dimensional surface that has solid edge colors and solid face colors. The function plots the values in matrix Z as heights above a grid in the x-y plane defined by X and Y. The...
% boxPlot3D(x) creates a three dimensional box plot of the data in x. If x % is 3D a matrix, boxPlot3D creates one box for each column. Example, % create a 3D matrix with normal distributions with different means: % % xx=randn(50,2,4)+repmat((permute([0 1 2 -2;1 2 3 4...
The code for Surface is surf(), surf(X,Y,Z) creates a three-dimensional surface plot, which is a three-dimensional surface that has solid edge colors and solid face colors. The function plots the values in matrix Z as heights above a grid in the x-y plane defined by X and Y. The...
Matlab 3D drawing 1.用plot绘制三维图形 Use plot to draw three-dimensional graphics x=1:5;y=6:10;z=x+y;z2=exp(x+y);[x3,y3]=meshgrid(x,y);z3=x3+y3;plot3(x,y,z);plot3(x,y,z2);plot3(x3,y3,z3);%mesh可以绘制一段区间的曲面,调用格式mesg(x,y,z)%注意:在使用函数前,先...
MatLab(Matrix Laboratory),一种以矩阵计算为基础的交互式程序语言,专门针对科学,工程计算以及绘图的需求。函数众多。 常用命令 Esc恢复命令输入的空白状态 上下键:调出上一行下一行命令 exit/quit退出并关闭Matlab figure/figure(2) logo显示MatLab的Logo clc清屏 ...
CS=MMCONT3(...returnsthecontourmatrixCSasdescribedinCONTOURC.[CS,H]=MMCONT3(...returnsacolumnvectorHofhandlestolineobjects 帮助信息: MMCONT3(X,Y,Z,N,C用由C指定的颜色在三维空间内画N条Z方向的等值线图。C可以是在plot中使用的线形和颜色,例如‘r-‘;或者C可以是一个颜色映象的字符串名。X和Y...
%plotmatrix(X,Y)绘出X(p*M)与Y(p*N)的列组成的散度图(N,M) figure; X=randn(100,2);Y=randn(100,2); subplot(1,3,1),plotmatrix(X);%等价于plotmatrix(X,X),除了对角上的图为X每一列的直方图hist(X(:,col)) title('plotmatrix(X)'); subplot(1,3,2),plotmatrix(X,X); title(...
解答一 举报 %plot3(x,y,z)用来绘制3维曲线图,而不能绘制曲面图!就是把所有的 %(x,y,z)点连接在一起。而画曲面图必须用surf和mesh函数,而这两个 %函数都需要知道对应x,y向量交叉点内所有点处的z值,所以得用 %x=-200:0.3:200... 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
plotmatrix 矩阵的散点图 plotyy 双纵坐标图 poissinv 泊松分布逆累计概率分布函数 poissrnd 泊松分布随机数发生器 pol2cart 极或柱坐标变为直角坐标 polar 极坐标图 poly 矩阵的特征多项式、根集对应的多项式 poly2str 以习惯方式显示多项式 poly2sym 双精度多项式系数转变为向量符号多项式 polyder 多项式导数 polyfit ...