4. 显示图形并保存(如果需要) 最后,你可以使用view函数来调整视角,并使用saveas函数来保存图形。 matlab % 调整视角 view(3) % 保存图形为PNG文件 saveas(gcf, '3d_matrix_plot.png') 这样,你就可以在MATLAB中绘制并保存一个三维矩阵图形了。记得根据你的具体需求调整代码中的参数和属性设置。
The code for Surface is surf(), surf(X,Y,Z) creates a three-dimensional surface plot, which is a three-dimensional surface that has solid edge colors and solid face colors. The function plots the values in matrix Z as heights above a grid in the x-y plane defined by X and Y. The...
% boxPlot3D(x) creates a three dimensional box plot of the data in x. If x % is 3D a matrix, boxPlot3D creates one box for each column. Example, % create a 3D matrix with normal distributions with different means: % % xx=randn(50,2,4)+repmat((permute([0 1 2 -2;1 2 3 4...
The code for Surface is surf(), surf(X,Y,Z) creates athree-dimensionalsurface plot, which is a three-dimensional surface that has solid edge colors and solid face colors. The function plots the values in matrix Z as heights above a grid in the x-y plane defined by X and Y. The col...
Contour plot of matrix 矩阵的等高线图 等高线图显示矩阵Z的等值线。使用clabel标记轮廓线。 contour(Z) 绘制矩阵Z的等高线图,其中Z被解释为相对于x-y平面的高度。 Z必须至少是包含至少两个不同值的2乘2的矩阵。 x值对应于Z的列索引,y值对应于Z的行索引。自动选择轮廓级别。contour(Z,n) 绘制具有...
2、绘制3D球体 3、matlab绘制复杂矢量图 4、精细化作图工具箱 4、matlab绘制维恩图 5、颜色条 1、离散热力图 functionout=scatplot(x,y,method,radius,N,n,po,ms)% Scatter plot with color indicating data density%% USAGE:% out = scatplot(x,y,method,radius,N,n,po,ms)% out = scatplot(x,y,dd...
%plotmatrix(X,Y)绘出X(p*M)与Y(p*N)的列组成的散度图(N,M) figure; X=randn(100,2);Y=randn(100,2); subplot(1,3,1),plotmatrix(X);%等价于plotmatrix(X,X),除了对角上的图为X每一列的直方图hist(X(:,col)) title('plotmatrix(X)'); subplot(1,3,2),plotmatrix(X,X); title(...
2.2 3D-plotting data as xyz triplets 2.3 Plotting 3D functions: 2.4 Plotting 3D functions: 2.1 3D-plotting data in a matrix 首先,使用 peak 函数生成3维数据 x_list =linspace(-3,3,50); y_list =linspace(-5,5,50); [Xfine, Yfine ] =meshgrid(x_list, y_list); ...