Engelbrecht, J. &., & Harding, , A. (2009). New numbers in mathematics in South Africa. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 40, No. 1., 73-86.Engelbrecht J & Harding A 2009. New numbers in mathematics in South Africa. International Journal of...
This paper reports on the professional development of four mathematics teachers in South Africa. The four teachers all participated in a Mathematical Thinking course before taking an Advanced Certificate in Education in mathematics. The research, which aimed to understand these teachers' ongoing ...
Mathematics and Science Literacy of Final-year school Students in South Africa: A Report on the Performance of South African Students in the Third ... Howie, Sarah|Hughes, Colleen A. - Mathematics and Science Literacy of Final-Year School Students in South Africa. A Report on the Performance...
pWhatever the reason, underachievement in mathematics in South Africa is endemic and tantamount to a national disaster. Despite the transformation of education in South Africa, failure rates in mathematics at school and university remain unacceptably high, and the number of learners who leave Grade ...
AI could be the key to helping humans avoid risks. Oluwole Daniel Makinde, head of Applied Mathematics Department, University of the North in South Africa agreed with this view, believing that we should adopt a positive and optimistic attitude, trusting that artificial intelligence will bring us ...
South Africa's performance in international benchmark tests is a major cause for concern amongst educators and policymakers, raising questions about the effectiveness of the curriculum reform efforts of the democratic era. The purpose of the study reported in this article was to investigate the ...
Top universities for mathematics in Africa & the Middle East Over in the Middle East, Israel claims five representatives in the math ranking, led by Technion - Israel Institute of Technologyin the 51-100 range. And of Saudi Arabia’s four entries,King Abdulaziz University (KAU)is the highest...
Language and other background factors affecting secondary pupils' performance in Mathematics in South Africa However, home language and class size were amongst those that were not found to have significant effect on achievement, whilst the effect of socio-economic status had a lesser effect once ...
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