Computational Mathematics for Differential Equations N. V. Kopchenova, I. A. Maron | , Published in 1975 Statistical Tools for Economists Daniel McFadden | University of California, Berkeley, Published in 2001 First Year Calculus W W L Chen | Macquarie University, Published in 2008, 238 pages ...
The calculus is probably the greatest tool ever invented for the mathematical formulation and solution of physical problems. The history of mathematics in the 18th cent. is dominated by the development of the methods of the calculus and their application to such problems, both terrestrial and ...
MathOverflow- for professional mathematicians Calculus: Basic Concepts for High Schools- L.V. Tarasov Basics of Algebra, Topology, and Differential Calculus- Jean Gallier (University of Pennsylvania) Multivariable Calculus- G. Cain, J. Herod (Georgia Tech) ...
OPTES, for example, categorises a special mathematical field, e.g., algebra or calculus, based on a didactical reference model concerned with particular aspects of knowledge. Problems in one category are more closely related than problems from different categories. All problems in this field are...
He sees this as unfortunate: "As a result, high school algebra has evolved into a subject that is almost indistinguishable from the precalculus study of functions" (p. 169). Cuoco also expresses a broader concern about the state of teacher preparation. Teachers need more than "the facts" ...
Educators sometimes effect changes in education through the implementation of new ideas, and sometimes extraordinary circumstances force them to change the
Main article: Calculus Understanding and describing change is a common theme in the natural sciences, and calculus was developed as a tool to investigate it. Functions arise here, as a central concept describing a changing quantity. The rigorous study of real numbers and functions of a real vari...
This study adopted a content-analysis method to examine the differences in how the topic of functions was handled by Finnish, Singaporean, and Taiwanese middle-grade mathematics textbooks for children aged 13–15 (seventh-ninth grade). The results showed that the three countries’ textbooks used di...
Business Calculus Students' Reasoning about Optimization Problems: A Study of Quantitative Reasoning in an Economic Context While the opportunity to learn mathematics via textbooks is well documented at the secondary and elementary levels, research on the opportunity to learn mathematics via textbooks at ...
The whole theory of calculus, years ago it was considered incredibly theoretical. It seemed to have absolutely no use at all. But nowadays, calculus is pretty much the language for all scientists in natural sciences. (Final Interview, L106–111) 3.1.2 Mathematics is not an island According ...