Thompson | University of Utah, Published in 2004, 158 pages Lectures on Deformations of Singularities Michael Artin | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Published in 1976, 110 pages Rational Amusement for Winter Evenings John Jackson | Longman, Published in 1821, 138 pages Mathematics for the ...
The modern axiom schemes proposed for this purpose are all couched within the theory of sets, originated by Georg Cantor, which now constitutes a universal mathematical language. Algebra Historically, algebra is the study of solutions of one or several algebraic equations, involving the polynomial ...
B. and ThomasS., ‘Self-concept of Ability and School Achievement’, Sociology of Education 37 (3) (1964), 271–279. Google Scholar BrownowskiJ., ‘mathematics’, In D.Thompson and J.Reeves (eds.), The Quality of Education, Muller, London, 1947. Google Scholar CallahanL. G. and ...
The results of the study indicated that for each of the three racial/ethnic groups, mathematics self-efficacy contributed significantly to the variance. In the Hispanic and the White groups, gender also contributed significantly to the variance. Ethnic identity did not contribute to the variance in...
The study indicated that teachers, as compared to the other two groups, drew more heavily upon their knowledge of students as they made sense of the algebra problems. Teachers were at times concerned with the wording of questions as an obstacle for students. The mathematicians and mathematics ...
The study suggests that student collaboration and dialogue does not automatically lead to mathematically founded reasoning and deeper learning. In particular, in the often common case where the student simply copies a solution from another student without receiving or asking for mathematical justification,...
Using two waves of data, we tested whether self-regulation and math achievement predicted one another when controlling for prior levels as well as theoretically supported demographic/sociocultural characteristics (child age, sex, generation status, family socioeconomic status [SES], and parent cultural...
This study presents an instructional model that integrates research-based practices from the fields of mathematics education and special education to support the development of students' reasoning and examines how the reasoning of the participants, 30 students with mathematical learning difficulties (ages ...
The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes that youth (girls and boys) aged 12–14 hold towards Math, their knowledge of Math, and Science requirements for future careers as well as their likelihood of choosing a STEM-based career. This research also examined the responses of ...
1990; Thompson and Milner, 2019). Nevertheless, functions are conceptually challenging for most students, and many teachers find it difficult to teach them (Krüger, 2019; Tesfamicael and Lundeby, 2019). This study selected textbooks from Finland, Singapore, and Taiwan for comparison for several ...