Mathematical Gauge Theory 作者: Mark J.D. Hamilton 出版社: Springer, Cham副标题: With Applications to the Standard Model of Particle Physics出版年: 2017页数: 657丛书: universitextISBN: 9783319684383豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 ...
We construct a non-chiral conformal field theory (CFT) on the torus that accommodates a second quantization of the elliptic Calogero–Sutherland (eCS) model. We show that the CFT operator that provides this second quantization defines, at the same time, a quantum version of a soliton equation...
bpz equation to the hamilton–jacobi equation of painlevé vi, see also [ 31 ]. this has provided an alternative derivation for [ 32 ] as well as a gauge theoretical meaning of the monodromy parameter \(\eta \) appearing in the kyiv formula. 1.4 this paper is structured as follows...
—— Introduction to the Theory of Statistics Solutions Manual Alexander McFarlane Mood, Franklin A. Graybill, Duane C. Boes.pdf [ 4.90MB ] —— Introduction to the Practice of Statistics David S. Moore & George P. McCabe & Bruce A. Craig.pdf [ 28.77MB ] —— Introduction to Structural ...
10.1 Hamilton–Jacobi Equation and Quantum Mechanics 353 10.2 Feynman’s Action Principle in Quantum Theory 361 10.3 Schwinger’s Action Principle in Quantum Theory 368 10.4 Schwinger–Dyson Equation in Quantum Field Theory 371 10.5 Schwinger–Dyson Equation in Quantum Statistical Mechanics 385 ...
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics in the Hamilton and the Godunov-type Formulations Continuum mechanics with dislocations, with the Cattaneo type heat\nconduction, with mass transfer, and with electromagnetic fields is put into the\nHamiltonian form and into the form of the Godunov type system of...
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics in the Hamilton and the Godunov-type Formulations In both formulations the time\nirreversible part represents gradient dynamics. The Godunov type formulation\nbrings the mathematical rigor (the well-posedness of the Cauchy initial value\nproblem) and the possibility...
Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory B Kuckert 234 B Ba¨cklund Transformations D Levi 241 Batalin–Vilkovisky Quantization A C Hirshfeld 247 Bethe Ansatz M T Batchelor 253 BF Theories M Blau 257 Bicrossproduct Hopf Algebras and Noncommutative Spacetime S Majid 265 ...
Carfora, M.: The Wasserstein geometry of nonlinear sigma models and the Hamilton-Perelman Ricci flow. Rev. Math. Phys. 29(1), 1750001 (2017). Article MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar Cavalletti, F., Mondino, A.: Optimal transport in Lorentzian sy...
chan–paton factors, so any cayley–hamilton relations for specific gauge groups are absent; this is a “master algebra”. the same interpretation holds for any example with a bkm superalgebra which is freely generated from internal degree 3, among which are our examples in sect. 5.2 . ...