Y. M.Taylor & Francis GroupSurveys in High Energy PhysicsY. M. Makeenko, "Introduction to gauge theory," Surveys High Energ. Phys. 10 (1997) 1.Y. M. Makeenko, Introduction to gauge theory, Surveys High Energ. Phys. 10 (1997) 1....
1.1 A brief introduction to field theory1.2 Pre-gange theory of weak interactions1.3 The spin and isospin structure1.4 Tests of the V-A structure and lepton universality2 The need for a gauge theory2.1 The intermediate vector boson2.2 Towards a renormalizable theory2.3 Gauge symmetry2.4 Freedom ...
Publications in the series will range from experimentally - oriented books, for example on accelerators and detectors, to books describing broad areas of theory and the supporting experimental data.关键词: Gauge fields (Physics DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511622601 被引量: 110 ...
Chapter 5 Non-Abelian gauge theory: Strong Interaction, Weak Interaction and EW Unified 第五章 非阿贝尔规范场论:强相互作用,弱相互作用与电弱统一理论 本文旨在整理一些笨人在学习基于标准模型以内(引入引力以前)的量子场论时的笔记。这是由于笔者发现,如果直接阅读格里菲斯的Elementary Introduction to Particle Ph...
Three dimensional Ising gauge theory is studied thoroughly. The renormalization group of the two dimensional planar model is presented as an illustration of a phase transition driven by the condensation of topological excitations. Parallels are drawn to Abelian lattice gauge theory in four dimensions. ...
The fact that the shape\(\mathbb {Y}_0\)carries over to the field-theory description in such a straightforward manner is not entirely obvious. This can be shown, for example, by comparing the values of higher Casimir operators or, more directly, one can find the lowest-energy state on ...
Lecture 1/2:Quantum Simulation:from Quantum Matter to Gauge Theory 3666 01:36:00 Lecture 2/2:Quantum Simulation:from Quantum Matter to Gauge Theory 2609 01:22:00 Lecture 1:量子计算简介1: 计算普适性与复杂度 2389 01:21:00 Lecture 2:量子计算简介2:量子计算的实现途径 2322 01:42:00 Lecture...
Lecture 1/2:Quantum Simulation:from Quantum Matter to Gauge Theory 3703 01:36:00 Lecture 2/2:Quantum Simulation:from Quantum Matter to Gauge Theory 2616 01:22:00 Lecture 1:量子计算简介1: 计算普适性与复杂度 2402 01:21:00 Lecture 2:量子计算简介2:量子计算的实现途径 2325 01:42:00 Lecture...
Introduction to papers presented at the gauge theory sessiondoi:10.1007/3-540-09964-6_331Trautman, AndrzejWarsaw University Hoza 69Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
原文A Brief Introduction to Index Theorems - 蓝青的文章 - 知乎 zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/94 Index Theorems 指标定理 differential geometry微分几何 elliptic operator椭圆算子compact紧 manifold流形 analytical index解析指标 topological index拓扑指标. heat kernel热核 K-theory(K理论) pseudo-differential operator...