2 举个例子:DSolve[y''[x] == 2 x*y[x], y[x], x] // TraditionalFormDSolve[y'[x] == Exp[2 x - y[x]], y[x], x] // TraditionalForm 第二个代码,会出现提示:Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for...
Solve::ifun: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution information.然后我就用了约化reduceReduce[-2.88 Sin[x Degree ]*Sin[x Degree] - 3.026 Cos[x Degree]*Cos[x Degree] + 9.667 Cos[x Degree ] + 9.356 Sin[x ...
tutorials, solutions, and so on. In addition, Wolfram Research also provides professional technical support and services to help users solve problems encountered in the use.总之
Mathematica can be used to solve problems involving complex symbolic and numerical calculations in various fields, such as various calculations of polynomials, including operations, expansions, and decompositions; it can also find exact and approximate solutions of various equations, and the limit of fun...
(-(v/f) - (P Log[P - f v])/f^2)PS:由于尝试直接计算v[t]时出现如下提示:Solve::ifun: Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so some solutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution information. >> 所以应想到求其逆函数,但函数关系不变。望有所帮助。
3. Build the pricing model of dual channel supply chain under decentralized decision-making, use the reverse induction algorithm to calculate the optimal wholesale price and retail price of each channel, and substitute these solutions into the profit expression to obtain the optimal profit. 4. On ...
在区域上解方程式 使用区域约束求解方程和不等式. 用 表示区域约束,它可以和其他约束一起使用. 符号式方程式求解器以及全局数值方程求解器支持这些新的约束. 找出两条无限长线的交点. In[1]:= In[2]:= Out[2]= In[3]:=Out[3]=
利用Mathematica5求解优化问题 利⽤Mathematica5求解优化问题 利⽤Mathematica5求解优化问题 (⼀)预备知识 在Mathematica5.0软件包中,使⽤Minimize 、NMinimize ,和Maximize ,以及NMaximize 命令求解优化问题。格式如下:①求解公式解 Minimize[{⽬标函数,约束条件},{变量表}] Maximize[{⽬标函数,约束...
gridMathematica by WRI, current version: 8 ("Easily control CPUs and GPUs to solve large problems fast")SystemModeler by WRI, current version: 3. Integrated symbolic modelling platform.Some related links: MathModelicaPaper, ObjectMath, Modelica, OpenModelicaHow to do System dynamics simulations / ...
显示…个警笛庙Mathemat/ca 方程的一个解.In[9]:= Solve[Sin[x] == &r x]Solve ;ifun ; Inverse functions are being used by Solve, so somesolutions may not be found; use Reduce for complete solution infor Mathematica8.0中文教程 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处....