The present study investigated the different associations of mother's and grandmother's parental control (psychological and behavioral control), mother-child attachment, grandmother-child attachment, and child depressive symptoms between paternal and maternal groups from 201 grandparenting families. Results ...
The influence of both maternal and paternal environments can trigger maternal effects in plant offspring. However, in most plant species, the environment in which the mother grows is considered to underlie the conditions of the environment of the parent (Crean and Bonduriansky, 2014; Galloway, 200...
9, 10 For instance, the paternal grandfather's nutrition in Överkalix Sweden, was linked to the mortality risk ratio of grandsons, while the paternal grandmother’s nutrition was linked to the mortality risk ratio of the granddaughters.10 Another example is the effect of famine during grand...
The former invokes kin recognition and fidelity, which could reduce paternal grandparent attachment towards paternal grandchildren. In this population, these psychological adaptations are unlikely to explain lineage differences: monogamy was strictly adhered to in this population, with the church forbidding ...
As fathers also use increased pitch variability in infant-directed speech,61 paternal pitch variability may be one option for a low-threshold coping strategy to support infants’ language development during the postpartum period.62 Limitations This study has some limitations. The longitudinal design ...
Farm animals are normally selected under highly controlled, non-limiting conditions to favour the expression of their genetic potential. Selection strategies can also focus on a single trait to favour the most ‘specialized’ animals. Theoretically, if the environment provides enough resources, the sele...
Together 0.39 - 0–1 Mother Lived with Child Before Arrest 0.73 - 0–1 Grandparent Care During Incarceration a 0.36 - 0–1 Child Age 12.66 3.84 1–17 Child Gender (female = 1) b 0.43 - 0–1 Reference categories: a all other care arrangements; b females = 1; males = 0. 3.1. ...
哥哥/姐姐 elder brother / elder sister弟弟/妹妹 younger brother / younger siste*brother和sister特指有血缘关系兄弟姐妹二、Extended family 近亲近亲一般表示三代以内的亲属关系,比如(外)祖父母以及我们常说的七大姑八大姨等。1. Grandparents 爷爷奶奶、外公外婆统称但是如果要说明是爸爸或妈妈一方的可以用pat...
The present study investigated the different associations of mother's and grandmother's parental control (psychological and behavioral control), mother-child attachment, grandmother-child attachment, and child depressive symptoms between paternal and maternal groups from 201 grandparenting famil...
We determined grandparental and parental origins of variant alleles in 1903 children and 624 grandchildren, and the grandparental origin of normal alleles in healthy children from 44 three-generation control families. LQTS alleles were more of maternal than paternal origin (61 vs 39%, Po0.001). ...