they meanmotherlyandfatherly, as in phrases likematernal/paternal instincts. But they can also be used more narrowly to distinguish relations involving a mother or a father, such as in terms likematernal/paternal grandmother. In some cases, the gender-neutral...
18 generations of ancestors former 9 generations+ next 9 generations
Maternal grandmother presence increased the likelihood of focal grandchild survival, regardless of whether grandmothers had grandchildren only through daughters, sons, or both. In contrast, paternal grandmother presence was not associated with descendants’ fertility or survival. We discuss these results in...
9, 10 For instance, the paternal grandfather's nutrition in Överkalix Sweden, was linked to the mortality risk ratio of grandsons, while the paternal grandmother’s nutrition was linked to the mortality risk ratio of the granddaughters.10 Another example is the effect of famine during grand...
In utero exposure to tobacco products, whether maternal or environmental, have harmful effects on first neonatal and later adult respiratory outcomes. These effects have been shown to persist across subsequent generations, regardless of the offsprings’