Impact Factor < 5 Scite Index 0.945-Year SI SJR Q2Condensed Matter Physics SNIP 0.96 Time to Publish View Chart 3Mo Journal Specifications Overview Publisher ELSEVIER Language English Frequency Semi-monthly See General Details Accelerate your publication journey with Editage Publication Support ...
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11.5CiteScore 6.1Impact Factor Articles & Issues About Publish Order journalSubmit your articleGuide for authors Volumes 452–453 Pages 1-796 (15 April 2007) Previous vol/issue Next vol/issue Actions for selected articles Select all / Deselect allDownload PDFsExport citations Show all article prev...
Plus LoginSign UpSubmit Enquiry eISSN: 1878-0180pISSN: 1751-6161 Share this on: Key Metrics CiteScore 6.6 Impact Factor < 5 Scite Index 0.915-Year SI SJR Q2Biomaterials SNIP 1.36 Time to Publish View Chart 3Mo Journal Specifications
The introduction at CERN of new extremely energetic particle accelerators, such as the high-luminosity large hadron collider (HL-LHC) or the proposed future circular collider (FCC), will increase the energy stored in the circulating particle beams by almost a factor of two (from 360 to 680 MJ...
11.5CiteScore 6.1Impact Factor Articles & Issues About Publish Order journalSubmit your articleGuide for authors Articles in press Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. Note to users ...
Plus 1, 100005 (2019). Google Scholar Ko, J. et al. Machine learning to detect signatures of disease in liquid biopsies – a user’s guide. Lab Chip 18, 395–405 (2018). CAS Google Scholar Saha, S. et al. Automated detection and classification of early AMD biomarkers using deep ...
In journal of open innovation: technology, market, and complexity (Vol. 10, Issue 2), Elsevier B.V Rahimi E, Babapoor A, Moradi G, Kalantary S, Monazzam Esmaeelpour M (2024) Personal cooling garments and phase change materials: a review. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 190:114063. https://...
As there is an ever-increasing demand to reduce energy consumption plus having reliable interior-to-exterior signal coverage, a smarter design for low-e windows is required. In this study, low-e coatings, with the structure TiO2/NiCr/Ag/NiCr/TiO2, were deposited on polycarbonate (PC) ...
ACS Materials Letters (ACS ML) is a scientific journal published by the American Chemical Society (ACS) that focuses on the rapid dissemination of research findings in materials science and engineering. With a high impactfactor and a strict peer-review process, ACS ML is recognized as a reliable...