Impact Factor1.7 5 Year Impact Factor1.6 Cite Score2.8 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)21 Social Media Mentions57 Downloads108,327 Journal of Materials Science Impact Factor3.5 5 Year Impact Factor4 Cite Score7.9 Submission to First Decision - Days (Median)9 Social Media Mentions860...
Materials Science Publishing model: Subscription Overview Materials Science is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on issues such as cracking, fatigue, fracture, and the development of new materials. Reports on research into active environment conditions. ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine is an open access journal publishing latest advances in biomaterials, biointerfaces, tissue engineering ...
The aims of this journal are to enhance the international exchange, extend the academic influence and service the economic construction. It reports principally the achievements of materials science and engineering in China, and publishes some foreign contributions with a proper space, putting the stress...
Journal Impact Factor0.50*(2 Year Impact Factor) Materials Science: An Indian Journal is a Open Access International journal dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among all in the field of Materials Science. The journal is published triannualy in both print and online versions by the Trade Sci...
Scientometrics: An International Journal for All Quantitative Aspects of the Science of Science PolicyT. Markpin,B. Boonradsamee,K. Ruksinsut,W. Yochai,N. Premkamolnetr,P. Ratchatahirun,N. Sombatsompop.Article-count impact factor of materials science journals in SCI database[J]. ...
Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 0927-796X.
材料科学-多学科(MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)领域SCIE期刊及其影响因子排名如下: Rank Full Journal Title Journal Impact Factor 1 Nature Reviews Materials 71.189 2 Nature Energy 46.495 3 NATURE MATERIALS 38.663 4 PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE 31.560 5 Nature Nanotechnology 31.538 6 ADVANCED MATERIALS...
材料科学-多学科(MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY)领域SCIE期刊及其影响因子排名如下: Rank Full Journal Title Journal Impact Factor 1 Nature Reviews Materials 71.189 2 Nature Energy 46.495 3 NATURE MATERIALS 38.663 4 PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE 31.560 5 Nature Nanotechnology 31.538 6 ADVANCED MATERIALS...