CREATE DATABASE db_name ENGINE = MaterializedMySQL(...)SETTINGS materialized_mysql_tables_list='user_table,catalog_sales'TABLE OVERRIDE user_table( COLUMNS ( userid UUID, category LowCardinality(String), timestamp DateTime CODEC(Delta, Default) ) PARTITION BY toYear(timestamp)),TABLE OVERRIDE cata...
Default value: empty list — means whole tables will be replicated. CREATE DATABASE mysql ENGINE = MaterializedMySQL('localhost:3306', 'db', 'user', '***') SETTINGS allows_query_when_mysql_lost=true, max_wait_time_when_mysql_unavailable=10000;...
SETTINGS materialized_mysql_tables_list='user_table,catalog_sales' TABLE OVERRIDE user_table( COLUMNS ( userid UUID, category LowCardinality(String), timestamp DateTime CODEC(Delta, Default) ) PARTITION BY toYear(timestamp) ), TABLE OVERRIDE catalog_sales( COLUMNS ( client_ip String TTL created ...
Search Tasks Text: Status: About Worklog MySQL Worklogs are design specifications for changes that may define past work, or be considered for future development. WL#8084: Condition pushdown for materialized derived tables Affects: Server-8.0 — Status: Complete ...
Changelog category (leave one): Improvement Changelog entry (a user-readable short description of the changes that goes to MaterializedMySQL support materialized_mysql_tables_list(...
同步一个MySQL库至ClickHouse的示例创建语句如下: `CREATEDATABASEdb_nameENGINE=MaterializedMySQL(...)` `SETTINGSmaterialized_mysql_tables_list='user_table,catalog_sales'` `TABLEOVERRIDEuser_table(` `COLUMNS (` `userid UUID,` `categoryLowCardinality(String),` ...
详细介绍: 同步示例 同步一个 MySQL 库至 ClickHouse 的示例创建语句如下: CREATE DATABASE db_name ENGINE = MaterializedMySQL(...) SETTINGS materialized_mysql_tables_list='user_table,catalog_sales' ...
详细介绍:[experimental] MaterializedMySQL | ClickHouse Docs 同步示例 同步一个 MySQL 库至 ClickHouse 的示例创建语句如下: CREATE DATABASE db_name ENGINE =MaterializedMySQL(...) SETTINGS materialized_mysql_tables_list='user_table,catalog_sales'TABLE OVERRIDE user_table( ...
SETTINGS materialized_mysql_tables_list = 'pricing_event'; USE test SHOW TABLES 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.091 sec. clickhouse version show create on the MySQL side for table that won't sync : CREATE TABLE pricing_event ( id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, fk_group int NOT NULL...
2、使用brew安装MySQL 2.1 第一次失败 ➜ ~ brew install mysql@5.7 Error: Cannot install in Homebrew on ARM processor in Intel default prefix (/usr/local)! Please create a new installation in /opt/homebrew using one of the "Alternative Installs" from: ...