SQL> create materialized view mv_name refresh force on demand start with sysdate next sysdate+1; 上述创建的物化视图每天刷新,但是没有指定刷新时间,如果要指定刷新时间(比如每天晚上10:00定时刷新一次): SQL> create materialized view mv_name refresh force on demand start with sysdate next to_date( con...
我们可以使用以下代码创建物化视图: CREATEMATERIALIZEDVIEWmaterialized_view_nameASSELECTcolumn1,column2,...FROMmaterialized_view_table; 1. 2. 3. 请将materialized_view_name替换为你希望创建的物化视图的名称,并将column1, column2, ...替换为实际的列名。 步骤四:刷新物化视图数据 物化视图的数据是根据物化视...
t1 engine = Distributed(cluster_2S_2R, db1, t1, rand()); -- 创建物化视图 create materialized view db1.t1_mv on cluster cluster_2S_2R to db1.t1_replica_all as select * from test_mysql.t1; 代码语言:txt 复制 注意创建本地表时的数据类型及其是否允许为空的属性,都要与 MySQL 表的数据...
test=# create materialized view v2 as SELECT a, b, c*4 from base; SELECT 3 test=# select * from v2 where a > 6; a | b | ?column? ---+---+--- 7 | 8 | 36 (1 row) The keyword MATERIALIZED is added to the view definition. In the above example, the materialized view...
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW Doesn’t Exist In MySQL But, there is no MySQL syntax for creating materialized views. Youcannotsay CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW `user_stats` AS SELECT * FROM `DB-1`.USERS WHERE ... UNION SELECT * FROM `DB-2`.USERS WHERE ... UNION...
在MySQL中创建实体化视图时出现语法错误: create materialized view test.dept10 select * from test.employeesERROR 1064 (42000):** You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL 浏览8提问于2011-11-16得票数 0 1回答 Django外键到非托管模型 、 33542a34` FO...
derived table是否已经被标记为需要物化materialize,比如创建视图的方法是CREATE ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE VIEW(derived_table->algorithm == VIEW_ALGORITHM_TEMPTABLE) 整个dervived table所在的查询表达式单元中,不能是(Query_expression::is_mergeable() ): Union查询 ...
Hi. Im new to MySQL. I've just installed MySQL 5. I would like to know if I could do something like a materialized view in MySQL, could that be possible? My script is something like this: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_users REFRESH FAST ...
derived table是否已经被标记为需要物化materialize,比如创建视图的方法是CREATE ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE VIEW(derived_table->algorithm == VIEW_ALGORITHM_TEMPTABLE) 整个dervived table所在的查询表达式单元中,不能是(Query_expression::is_mergeable() ): Union查询 ...
derived table是否已经被标记为需要物化materialize,比如创建视图的方法是CREATE ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE VIEW(derived_table->algorithm == VIEW_ALGORITHM_TEMPTABLE) 整个dervived table所在的查询表达式单元中,不能是(Query_expression::is_mergeable() ):Union查询包含聚集、HAVING、DISTINCT、WINDOWS或者LIMIT没有任何table...