MGVNOSTATUS SAP table for – Material dependent status of the number range MGVNOSTATUS table in SAP LO (Logistics Basic Data in LO) module. This tables is used for storing data of Material... MSSQH SAP table for – Total Project Stocks: History MSSQH table in SAP LO (Logistics Basic...
This tutorial is part of our SAP MM course and we will discuss the concept of SAP material status here. You will learn what is a material status in SAP and where to find settings for materials statuses. We will also illustrate how to create a new SAP material status. Any business maintai...
The field can not be viewed in the material master MM02 screen. The value for the field gets updated in the database table when ever material view are created for the material. Gobinathan G Former Member 2009 Dec 11 0 Kudos Hi, then where else I can see this status?? Regards...
Additionally to the status of the materials, the status of the activity types is displayed in the section Processing. The button Activity Types for displaying the activity types value flow has been removed. f) Innovations in CKM3 The following buttons are added in CKM3: 1...
Status 201: Releasable 202: Frozen 203: Obsolete 204: Hold 205: New HOLD_CONSEC_NC_O: Hold Consecutive NC— Prevents operators and machines from processing SFC numbers with consecutive nonconformances logged against them HOLD_SPC_VIOL_O: Hold SPC Violation— Prevents operators and machines from ...
Check in SE16 that data has been saved correctly in the MARC table Modification of new fields data in PAI In case you need to process or modify data of your new fields (or also data of standard fields) during PAI in MM01/MM02/MM03) you have to implement Customer-Exit EXIT_SAPLMGMU...
SAP Table A017 Description Material Info Record (Plant-Specific) Table Type POOL Delivery Class A Main Category Sales and Distribution Sub Category Master Data SAP Master Data Tables TableDescriptionModule A000 Condition Table for Pricing $ SD-MD A001 Not Used in Standard SD-MD A002 Country/Custom...
1.Add fields in the Append Structure of table MARA. 2.Configure SPRO IMG Logistics General Material Master Configuring the Material Master Create Prog
SAP Table A018 Description Material Info Record Table Type POOL Delivery Class A Main Category Sales and Distribution Sub Category Master Data SAP Master Data Tables TableDescriptionModule A000 Condition Table for Pricing $ SD-MD A001 Not Used in Standard SD-MD A002 Country/Customer Classification/...
WRITE: / 'PLANT MATERIAL STATUS '. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'. ENDLOOP. Options 7:43 PM 0Kudos 1,047 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Ok. What does your return table contain? When I look through your code it strikes me that you might have forgotten to parse the ...