A key defining the valid reminder days and tolerance limits applicableto this material for the purchasing department. The purchasing value key serve Material Status-物料状态: 也是一种变式的方式,事先定义好一个物料的状态,通过状态的设置控制对应的物料在发生采购、生产等业务时如何反应,例如给出错误提示、...
OMS2 C MM-BD Material Types C MM-BD 物料类型 OMS3 Configure Industry Sectors 设置行业部门 OMS4 C MM-BD Material Status C MM-BD 物料类型 OMS5 C MM-BD Set Up Laboratory C MM-BD 设置库 OMS6 C MM-BD Storage Condition(s) C MM-BD 库存条件 OMS7 C MM-BD Temperature Condition(s) C...
因为它改善了系统的性能,在执行大量的aRFC时。SAP使用它在MRP(Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划)里面提高速度。 上述模式中的前三种是RFC的基本模式,而队列RFC和并行RFC可以视为是基本模式的扩展或衍生。 RFC Remote function Call 远程功能调用, 是SAP系统之间以及非SAP系统之间程序通信的基本接口技术. 例如...
保存, 系统提示说Result were save for operation 9000.说明material specification里缺省的检验工序代码就是9000。 6, 执行事务代码QA11为该检验批做UD。 保存, 那SAP QM 使用Material specification 和task list来做检验,有什么区别? Material specification: 不能使用dynamic modification rule; 即使检验特性规定必须有...
Now, let’s check details of the material status “01 – Blocked for Procmnt/Whse”. SAP Material Status 01 Both plant-specific and cross-plant settings could be maintained on this screen. The plant-specific settings include “Purchasing”, “BOM”, “Routing/master recipe”, “Material requi...
Check Step3, Step11 3. Enter Stor. Location Message no. M7018 Check Step1 in Testing 4. No sales and distribution data maintained for material & Message no. 06854 Check Step3. 5. No delivery type defined for supplying plant 6661 and document type NB Message no. 06694 Check Step8 6. ...
SAR谈物料主数据中的物料状 态SAP:谈物料主数据中的物料状态作者:sapkevin公司正在准备上线, 在数据维护的过程中, 作为 PP 的角色,我需要维护 PP 方面的几个视图。 我需要在 MM02 中搜索 material statu
Postponing the costing release to the next month; Reversing transactions and reset the period status to 10 with the program provided by note 574930; Using subsequent price change, which functionality is provided by note 555176; OSS Note 574930 提供的操作方法: ...
We have a WBS element that has a material consumed in it. After the consumption, the costs in the WBS Element are settled to fixed asset. Later, the WBS Element status is set to CLSD but when the post closing step of the material ledger is executed, the WBS Element gets settlement fro...
26、n Bin Status Report WM/PP In terface Evaluation PP Order from WM View Con siste ncy Check for Con trol Cycles 归档的记帐修改单 归档的系统库存记录 WM: Material Plcmt/Removal:Selection WM: WM: Material flow - Selectio n 归档的库存历史 检查报表系统定制策略 K 两步领货的评估参考号 物料...