学校提供了7种专业方向:人工智能artificial intelligence, 基础计算computational foundations, 计算机系统computer systems, 数据科学data science, 人本主义和创造性计算human-centred and creative computing, 机器学习machine learning, 专业计算professional computing。 专业方向选择 必修课 我们先来讲一下每年的必修课都是什...
ANU(The Australian National University)计算机硕士,大连理工大学软件工程学士。留澳期间主攻人工智能方向,...
💪比如ACIC的同学们就成功转入了以下ANU明星课程,具体学分减免情况可详询我们顾问老师。⬇️ Master of Applied Finance:在学习过程中,解决一系列的金融问题,并培养出敏锐的分析头脑。毕业生在澳洲和其他各国都能成为受追捧的金融人才。 Master of Computing:研究方向包括人工智能、以人为本的设计和软件开发或数据...
◆Master of Computing(Advanced)2年 认证:ACS认证 https://programsandcourses.anu.edu.au/2024/program/7706XMCOMP 专业方向: Artificial Intelligence Computational Foundations Computer Systems Data Science Human Centred and Creative Computing Machine Learning Professional Computing 学术要求:A Bachelor degree or ...
如果你想读PhD的话ANU那个Master of computing ( Advanced )课程从内容上看好很多,但是前8门课的平均...
29.Master of Information Systems University of Southern Queensland - School of Management and Enterprise Australia 30.Master of Information and Communications Technologies University of Western Sydney - School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
1.Master of Information Systems The University of Melbourne - School of Computing and Information Systems Australia 2.Master of Business Information Systems Monash University - Falculty of Information Technology Australia 3...
Butterfly wings could be used to inspire new technology in solar cells, according to researchers at the Australian National University (ANU) who said that "filtering" light could be a major feature of future solar projects. IOC Evaluation Commission impressed by Paris passion The International Olymp...