Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) BEng in Software Engineering (Hons) PeopleDr Siva School of Computing Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) Annual indicative fee f...
Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours) 计算机学士学位 专业方向: Artificial Intelligence 人工智能 Machine Learning 机器学习 Systems and Architecture 系统和建筑 Theoretical Computer Science理论计算机科学 学制:4年 2021年学费:$46910/年 开学时间:2月或者7月 录取要求: 澳大利亚高中:ATAR 85分 前提条件:要学...
Students with a computing or information technology Bachelor degree or Graduate Diploma may receive up to 48 units of credit allowing them to complete the program in less than the usual 2-year time frame. On completion of 48 units, students may exit with a Graduate Diploma of Computing. Studen...
Double degrees are an opportunity for you to tailor your studies to fit your strengths, passions and goals and take less time to complete than two single bachelor’s degrees. Find your program Students’ association As a student, you will automatically become a member of the ANU Students’...
利益相关:BAC(Bachelor of Advanced Computing)在读 希望大家都开开心心地跨年!经过两年在cecs的磨砺,...
Master of Computing (Advanced) 19 October 2018 Limited places Bachelor of Information Technology 19 October 2018 Limited places 该学院还没有关闭S1/19的任何课程,但是下周可能就会陆续开始关闭接受通道。学生的接受时间也将有可能提前,请有offer的学生尽快接受。
当时来Bachelor in Engineering 读书的学生中,有一群本地的比较木讷的学霸, 基本不怎么社交,不club,晚上按时回家吃饭的理工男。 相比其他学校,ANU的中国人和本地人的差距真的是太明显了。中国人一般分两种: 一是一群帝都某985学校2+2项目来的中国学霸,主要是来拿HD的,差一点的直博,好一点的MIT、斯坦福研究生...
ANU的Master of Computing是受ACS认证的,同时ACS还认证ANU的Bachelor of Commerce (Business Information Systems) Master of Business Information Systems Master of Business Information Systems (Advanced)等课程,具体请见截图所示。 截图自ACS官网 截图自ACS官网 ...
硕士专业列表Bachelor of Commerce - Finance 人文学院Arts and Sosical Sciences 人类学硕士Master of Anthropology 应用人类学和发展硕士Master of Applied Anthropology and Development 应用人类学和参与式发展硕士Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development ...
A Bachelor degree or international equivalent with a minimum GPA of 5.0/7.0 An ANU Graduate Certificate of Accounting with a minimum GPA of 4.5/7.0 Cognate Disciplines Accounting, Actuarial studies, Business, Business information systems, Computing science, Economics, Finance, International business, Man...