Mass Spectrometry Imaging Techniques: Non-Ambient and Ambient Ionization ApproachesView further author WenView further author informationLei BiView further author informationLa ChenView further author information
Here, we tested different analytical techniques based on time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) for quick detection of both iodine species and isotopes in freshly-harvested L. digitata samples. In addition, we attempted to apply MS-based chemical imaging techniques to discriminate iodine isotopes...
can utilize a combination ofMass Spectrometrytechniques which are well suited to analyze particular types of molecules (peptides, lipids, small molecule metabolites, sugars, etc.). These techniques complement each other to deliver the most comprehensive level of information possible with MSImaging. ...
Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) technique is a fast and easily handled sample analysis that, in the case of Huanglongbing allows the detection of increased concentration of metabolites associated to the disease, including quinic acid, phenylalanine, nobiletin and sucrose. The metabolites abieta-8,11,...
Behind every great mass spectrometer lies powerful, enabling software. From biologics characterization to mass spectrometry (MS) imaging, our industry-leading software solutions turn MS data into knowledge, with automated and integrated workflows that empower every research application. ...
authentic standards. Although the concept of using MS for imaging was introduced in 1962 utilizing Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) (Castaing and Slodzian1962), it was not until the mid-90’s, with the introduction of soft ionization techniques, in particular Matrix-Assisted Laser ...
Once the matrix has been applied, the prepared sample is loaded into an imaging-capable MALDI instrument and spectra are acquired for the predefined region of interest and raster size. MS imaging of peptides and proteins Of the existing mass spectrometry imaging techniques, MALDI-MS imaging has ...
Advanced Mass Spectrometry for Food Safety and Quality Yolanda Picó, in Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 2015 4 Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) IMS encompasses a variety of techniques that enable the chemical imaging of analytes, which range in size from atoms and small molecules to intact protein...
MS imaging was used to study lignin in Eucalyptus, since this genus is the main source of cellulose in the world. Hand-cut sections of stems of two Eucalyptus species were covered with silica and directly analyzed by matrix-assisted laser sesorption ionization (MALDI)-imaging mass spectrometry ...
质谱成像(Mass Spectrometry Imaging,简称MSI)是一种用于研究生物分子分布和空间分布的分析技术。它结合了质谱分析和成像技术,可以在细胞、组织和生物样品中实现高分辨率的空间分布分析。质谱成像的应用领域包括生物医学研究、药物开发、环境科学等。 质谱成像的基本原理是利用质谱仪进行分子的离子化和检测。首先,样品表面上...