"mask write"指的是选择性地写入某些字节,而不写入其他字节。在一些总线协议中,如AXI,可以通过wstrb(write strobe)信号来实现这种功能。在DDR中,通常使用DM(data mask)信号来进行写掩码。 DDR4的读写操作都是以64字节(512位)为单位进行的。当开启ECC时,如果写入的数据长度小于64字节,则需要先读取相应的64字节数...
(Current_Contents AND and_mask) OR (or_mask AND (NOT and_mask)) 語法 node1.maskWriteRegister(write_address , and_mask , or_mask) 參數 node1:ModbusMasterNode物件。 write_address:欲寫入的 Holding Register 暫存器之位址。 and_mask:「與」閘遮罩參數。 or_mask:「或」閘遮罩參數。 回傳 int:...
Mask-write apparatus for a sram cellMask-write apparatus for a sram cell.Disclosed herein is a device that comprises a SRAM cell, a pair of bit-lines coupled with the SRAM cell, a writing circuit producing at first and second output nodes thereof true and complementary data signals responsive...
WRITEMASK 是 PCILEECH 中的 CFGSPACE 模块的一个扩展功能,专门用于控制配置空间中每一个比特的可读写性。通过这个功能,用户可以精确地管理配置空间中各个比特位的读写权限。 功能描述 读写控制:WRITEMASK 允许用户设置哪些位是只读的,哪些位是可读写的。这样,用户可以防止误写或保护特定配置寄存器的内容。
maskWrite(m,address,andMask,orMask)writes data to Modbus objectmto a holding register at addressaddress, using the indicated mask values. The function can set or clear individual bits in a specific holding register. It is a read/modify/write operation, and uses a combination of an AND mask...
28th European mask and lithography conference: 28th European mask and lithography conference (EMLC2012), 17-18 January 2012, Dresden, GermanyS. F. Schulze et al., "Mask write time reduction: deployment of advanced approaches and their impact on established work models", Proc. SPIE 8352, 28th ...
bit lines and the second output node of the writing circuit; and a mask-write circuit configured to render both of the first and second pass transistors conductive in a write operation and render selected one or ones of first and second pass transistors non-conductive in a write-mask ...
writemask 写屏蔽 最新单词 colostrorrhea的中文翻译及用法 初乳溢 colostration的中文意思 初乳病 colossus是什么意思 n. 巨像,巨人 colossians是什么意思及反义词 n. 歌罗西书 colosseum是什么意思 n. 罗马大圆形演技场 Colossendeidae怎么翻译及发音 深海蜘蛛科 colossal怎么翻译及发音 a. 巨大的,庞大...
A Mask Write mode for a semiconductor memory responds to an enable command. This permits a by-four chip to provide parity information for four sectors of memory. The invention allows the latching of mask data on a rising edge of CAS so that new mask data can be entered in Page Mode....
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