You can also double this recipe easily—a good rule of thumb is that you want about half a pound of potatoes per person. "This recipe is exactly what you need to make fresh, homestyle mashed potatoes! Mashed potatoes are the ultimate comfort food, perfect side dish for a festive meal,...
A dollop of raw mashed "potatoes" on your plate turns an everyday meal into a festive feast! And, yes, that's cauliflower masquerading as potatoes since eating raw potatoes is a no-no. :) This is a simple cauliflower-based mashed potato recipe that adds a nice heartiness to a fresh me...
Instant Pot Shepherd's Pie is the ultimate comfort food. Ground beef is cooked in gravy and topped with mashed potatoes and gooey cheese.
These crockpot mashed potatoes are the perfect make ahead Thanksgiving side dish! This easy recipe makes creamy, delicious mashed potatoes!
Ranch is super creamy so will replace the richness of milk while also adding a tangy, herby taste to the potatoes. You won’t need any extra seasoning! Psst… any creamy salad dressing could work. How to substitute: Use around half the amount of ranch dressing as you would milk in the...
TO FREEZE BATCH MASHED POTATOES: Add the desired amount of cooled mashed potatoes to a freezer size bag. Flatten potatoes in bag and press out excess air. Label and freeze for up to 6 months. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Remove from plastic, place in a baking dish and bake uncover...
Find the answers to all your questions about Thanksgiving mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, potato gratins, yams, and more.
I'm the kind of person that if my job is to bring mashed potatoes it's not gonna be boring boxed mashed potatoes. I have a terra cotta garlic baker in my cupboard I've never used... I didn't know that baking garlic made such a difference BUT IT DOES! Oh my goodness. This is ...
I grew up eating fried mashed potatoes. There are three secrets to success: first, a generous amount of butter in the pan. Next, don’t be in a hurry to turn them over and when you do, do it with confidence (as julia child would say) and last, when you do flip them, have a ...
The perfect mashed potatoes are those that strike the ultimate balance - fluffy texture matched only by rich, buttery creaminess. However, all too often mashed potatoes are dense, lumpy and at their worst - gummy. The difference comes down to proper pota