Mary Seacole achieved enduring renown for her contributions during the Crimean War and is regarded as one of British history’s most prominent black figures. However, during her lifetime, her recognition was even more substantial. . Click for PDF and Goo
ahealer whousedtraditionalCaribbeanand Africanherbalremedies. •Sheranahotel;HereSeacoleacquired hernursingskills. Workingasanurse •Shegotmarriedin1836 •During1843and1844,Seacolesuffereda seriesofpersonaldisasters:lostmuchof theboardinghouse(hotel)inafire;herhusband diedinOctober1844,followedbyhermother ...
Mary Prince (1788) was a Bermudian woman, born into slavery in Brackish Pond, which is now known as Devonshire Marsh, in Devonshire Parish, Bermuda. The published story of her slavery was the first account of the life of a black woman to be published in the United Kingdom and the book...