Mary Seacole achieved enduring renown for her contributions during the Crimean War and is regarded as one of British history’s most prominent black figures. However, during her lifetime, her recognition was even more substantial. . Click for PDF and Goo
The first chapter uses the language of to explore the manner in which Seacole and the editor of her narrative construct Seacole's early life in the Caribbean and South America so as to appeal to the prejudices of her English audience and its fear of expanding American cultural and political ...
Mary Seacole was a Jamaican nurse who specialised in homeopathic medicine during the 1800s. Growing up near the Kingston area of Jamaica, Seacole was heavily influenced by her mother who was a doctress.
Life of Mary Seacole 作者:Lynch, Emma ISBN:9780431181684 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 + 加入购书单
•OthernamesMotherSeacole •Occupationnurse,hotelier,boardinghousekeeper, author,worldtraveler •KnownforAssistancetosickandwoundedmilitary personnelduringCrimeanWar •HonoursJamaicanOrderofMerit勋章,等第 Herearlylife •thedaughterofaScottishsoldierin ...
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Irrepressibly vivacious, he spent his life leaping over and into things, from his early Broadway successes to his marriage to the great screen actress Mary Pickford to the way he made Hollywood his very own town. The First King of Hollywood Ms Smith, later known as Mary Pickford, needs no...
Mary Seacole: an epic lifedrug useHIV/STDsmale sex workerssexual networksMary Seacole: an epic life. By - Anne Hudson Jonesdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(05)71862-6Anne Hudson JonesElsevier Ltd.Lancet
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