The former can be considered as the father of modern Anarchism, for he utterly rejected the very concept of Authority, in both politics and religion. In his economic views, he advocated a scheme called Mutualism, in which the most important role was played by a national bank, based on the...
女权主义理论中最早对“性别社会化”的理论化之一见于凯瑟琳·麦金农(Catharine MacKinnon)的《女权主义、方法、马克思主义与国家》(Feminism, Method, Marxism and the State)(2)。麦金农提出社会化理论是激进女权主义对社会主义女权主义的干预,她认为在此之前,社会主义女权主义一直将性别定位于(生物性的)再生产劳动,将...
In a capitalist society, there is a ruling class that controls the means of production and holds economic power. Marxism highlights the concept of class struggle, which refers to the conflict between the ruling class and the working class over resources, wealth, and power. The founders of Marxi...
68–119. Also Karl Marx, Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (edited by T. B. Bottomore). These appear in Erich Fromm’s Marx’s Concept of Man (New York:Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, 1961). All later references to the early manuscripts of Karl Marx will refer to this edition. ...
(those with no access tocapitalbut who provide most of the labor) will inevitably overthrow thecapitalistclass and that the state, after a brief period in which it controls the means of production, will fade away to create an ideal society. Marxism is a type of communism. It is named for...
The political state would only be needed to ensure the continuance of the self-alienation. Ideally, the concept sounds noble. Realistically, the classless society meant that the status quo was the best for which anyone could hope. Opportunities for self-improvement were non-existent, as people ...
(humanflourishing) is the central Marxian evaluative concept. Marx is a kind ofutilitarian not a deontological thinker, as Cohen's employment of the equalityrhetoric often suggests. Of course, Marx's view of well-being is a veryparticular (and Hegelian) one, and has nothing to do with ...
It examines Goldscheid's arguments for a social science of the state centring on fiscality, leading to Schumpeter's different concept of the 'fiscal state', and how this was taken up in the 1970s and later by O'Connor and other Marxists. The theories are examined in the context of the...
1.It is argued that we need to clarify the levels and logical relations of every components of Marxist theory;only by this can we truly grasp Marxism theory system.马克思主义学说是一个系统。 4)Marxism theory of state马克思主义国家学说 5)Marxism trade union science马克思主义工会学说 6)Marx's ...
One can distinguish a three-fold understandings of the concept "practice." We only find practice in empirical sense and practice in moral sense after consulting all of the past Marxism philosophy documents.The Marxism philosophy system rooting in the former concept bases on material ontology,which ...