Summarizing the Marxist variant of the “pessimists,” Standen (1985: 180) states that “[p]rior to the Conquest, New France was developed as a normal French colony replete with capitalist bourgeoisie that controlled wealth, power and politics in the colony.”. Empirical evidence provided by Al...
the reform of state-owned enterprises, promote the development and growth of the private economy, increase efforts to attract foreign capital, and continue to optimize the business environment, which will continue to stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of business entities. Fifth, the new round o...
Bourdieu extends the concept beyond its Marxist definition, as economic factors are not sufficient to describe the structure and functioning of the social world. He sees actors' world-making capacities as largely dependent on the possession of economic (money, financial resources, property, land etc...
Used to discuss popular cultural interventions and language such as posters, slogans, and drawings, the concept’s relevance with respect to the actual power struggle could have been given far more attention. The people “criticize the use of violence by state entities but refuse to perpetrate ...