Enjoy the booming, full sound of a Dreadnought in a smaller, more playable size with the DJR-10E StreetMaster®. Its distinctive, distressed finish has a comfortably worn look that feels as if it’s an old friend you’ve been playing for years. But it doesn’t just look cool; this ...
Martin墨产小马丁吉他LX1RE/LXK2单板34/38寸旅行电箱DJR10全单 上海向薇文化有限公司 4年 回头率: 20.9% 上海市 ¥5880.00 Martin美国马丁民谣木吉他单板电箱DX1E DX2E GPC 41寸男生好礼物 确山县天润乐器贸易行 6年 回头率: 18.6% 河南 驻马店市 ¥3030.50 Martin马丁吉他LX1 E/LX1R单板...
Martin马丁吉他LX1/DJR10全单板旅行小马丁34寸/38寸黄老板电箱款 一件代发支付宝 ¥4130.0 深圳市酷乐乐器有限公司1年 近3个月价格 Martin马丁吉他D28美产HD28全单OM28发财猪0028民谣D42电箱41寸 一件代发48小时发货支付宝 ¥12236.0 上海乐境乐器有限公司2年 ...
DJr-10E StreetMaster® $699.00 000-X2E $699.00 000JR-10E Shawn Mendes $799.00 0-X1 Black $499.00 D-X2E $699.00 0X Tenor Uke $449.00 Authentic Acoustic Lifespan® 2.0 Guitar Strings Phosphor Bronze $14.99 Authentic Acoustic Flexible Core Guitar Strings Phosphor Bronze ...
THE JUNIOR SERIES |Small without sacrifice, these are slightly smaller 000 or Dreadnought bodies that refuse to make sacrifices in tone or volume. Junior Series models are built for comfort and playability, making them ideal for your first guitar. But they’re also big on traditional Martin fea...
Martin墨产小马丁吉他LX1RE/LXK2单板34/38寸旅行电箱DJR10全单 上海向薇文化有限公司 4年 回头率: 21.5% 上海市 ¥2980.00 Martin小马丁 LX1 LX1E LXK2 34寸单板旅行电箱民谣木吉他 确山县天润乐器贸易行 6年 回头率: 26.1% 河南 驻马店市 ¥4130.00 Martin马丁吉他LX1/DJR10全单板旅行小...