Featuring junior-sized bodies and short-scale necks that offer plenty of portability without sacrificing tone. Martin DJR-10E Bass Image: Martin First up is the 4-stringed sibling to Martin’s DJr-10E guitar. The DJR-10E acoustic-electric bass is ideal if you love to write and practice o...
Junior Series Smaller Body Perfectly proportioned but slightly smaller than the standard Dreadnought or 000 models. Big Sounds With solid-wood construction, ¼ inch scalloped bracing, and all of Martin’s know-how, the Jr models might be smaller, but they still pack a big punch. ...
MARTIN JUNIOR SERIES 和 LITTLE MARTIN(小马丁) Martin小马丁DJR-10 LX1E LXK2 34/38单板全单旅行民谣 天猫 ¥3500.00 去购买 Martin小马丁DJR-10 LX1E LXK2 34/38单板全单旅行民谣 天猫 ¥3500.00 去购买 Martin小马丁DJR-10 LX1E LXK2 34/38单板全单旅行民谣 天猫 ¥3500.00 去购买 马丁的入门型号,两...
这个新款马丁DJR10E凭啥卖5千块?来听听音色再喷它!有实力和泰勒GSmini来PK吗? 303 -- 1:45 App Martin 000JR-10 1.5万 27 4:35 App 马丁吉他DJR的妹妹来了!Martin 000JR!吉他评测 1667 -- 2:29 App Martin最便宜全单?Junior Series 000JR-10 VS Martin DJR-10 Sitka云杉面板 1301 -- 0:50 ...
661 -- 10:16 App 【Martin Guitar】型号:000-15M vs 000-10E 1498 -- 2:29 App Martin最便宜全单?Junior Series 000JR-10 VS Martin DJR-10 Sitka云杉面板 2031 -- 1:54 App Martin 000-15M|Mahogany . Mahogany 4452 44 9:12 App 测评不BB:美产入门 马丁MARTIN 000-15M 1.7万 15 11:...