5MARPOL公约附则II AnnexIIofMARPOL73/78(includingamendments)RegulationsfortheControlofPollutionbyNoxiousLiquidSubstancesinBulk Definitions ForthepurposesofthisAnnex:(1)Chemicaltanker:ashipconstructedprimarilyto carrynoxiousliquidsubstancesinbulk—butincludesoiltankerswhencarryalloverorpartofacargoofnoxiousliquidsubstances...
Annex II: Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (Annex II): This annex regulates the discharge of noxious liquid substances (NLS) into the sea. It includes requirements for ships carrying NLS in bulk. Annex III: Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution...
This Annex, adopted on April 6, 1987, deals with controlling and preventing pollution due to 6 Apriluid substances in bulk, intentionally or accidentally. It comprises ten chapters, which together contain 22 Regulations. Chapter 1 gives general details on MARPOL ANNEX II and consists of 5 regula...
MARPOL Annex I: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oilAs, Gard
MARPOL 73/78 ANNEX II PROCEDURES AND ARRANGEMENTS MANUAL Name of Ship: <name of ship> Distinctive Number or Letters: IMO Number: <imo no> Port of Registry: Approval Stamp of Administration: PROCEDURES AND ARRANGEMENTS MANUAL Name of Ship: <name of ship> IMO No: <imo no> INTRODUCTION 1 ...
8、and 2003.Annex II Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious(有毒的) Liquid Substances in Bulk (entered into force 2 October 1983) Annex II details the discharge criteria and measures for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances carried in bulk. Some 25 9、0 substance...
AnnexII RegulationsfortheControlof PollutionbyNoxious(有毒的)LiquidSubstancesinBulk (enteredintoforce2October1983) AnnexIIdetailsthedischargecriteriaandmeasuresforthecontrolofpollutionbynoxiousliquidsubstancescarriedinbulk. Some250substanceswereevaluatedandincludedinthelistappendedtotheConvention. Thedischargeoftheirresi...
Annex II --Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk To facilitate implementation of the Annex, the original text underwent amendments in 1985, by resolution MEPC.16(22), in respect of pumping, piping and control requirements. At its twenty-second session, ...
AnnexII.Forexample,existingU.S.statutesandregulationsrequirevesselstransportingoils, includingtheOPA90materials,oil-likesubstancescarriedasanoil,vegetableoils,oranimal fatsinbulk,tousedouble-hulledtankersthatmeetstricterdesignandconstructionstandards thandotheminimumstandardscontainedintherevisedAnnexII. ...
AnnexIIRegulationsfortheControlofPollutionbyNoxiousLiquidSubstancesinBulkEntersintoforce6thApral1987TherevisedannexIIwillenterintoforce1stApral2007 Mainlyforthechemicaltankership AnnexIIIPreventionofPollutionbyHarmfulSubstancesCarriedbySeainPackagedFormEntersintoforce1stJuly1992 Packing,Marking,labelling,StowageandDocuments...